What is DocuSign?
Use DocuSign to complete approvals and agreements in minutes or hours—not days—from almost anywhere in the world. Quickly and securely access and sign documents. Easily upload and send documents for others to sign. Send reminders and check signing status almost any time.
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Real user data aggregated to summarize the product performance and customer experience.
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Product scores listed below represent current data. This may be different from data contained in reports and awards, which express data as of their publication date.
91 Likeliness to Recommend
95 Plan to Renew
85 Satisfaction of Cost Relative to Value
Emotional Footprint Overview
Product scores listed below represent current data. This may be different from data contained in reports and awards, which express data as of their publication date.
+90 Net Emotional Footprint
The emotional sentiment held by end users of the software based on their experience with the vendor. Responses are captured on an eight-point scale.
How much do users love DocuSign?
- Reliable
- Enables Productivity
- Performance Enhancing
- Respectful
How to read the Emotional Footprint
The Net Emotional Footprint measures high-level user sentiment towards particular product offerings. It aggregates emotional response ratings for various dimensions of the vendor-client relationship and product effectiveness, creating a powerful indicator of overall user feeling toward the vendor and product.
While purchasing decisions shouldn't be based on emotion, it's valuable to know what kind of emotional response the vendor you're considering elicits from their users.
Feature Ratings
Digital Signature
Regulatory Compliance
Audit Trail
Customizable Branding
Vendor Capability Ratings
Ease of Implementation
Business Value Created
Usability and Intuitiveness
Quality of Features
Breadth of Features
Ease of Customization
Product Strategy and Rate of Improvement
Ease of Data Integration
Vendor Support
Ease of IT Administration
Availability and Quality of Training
DocuSign Reviews
David B.
- Role: Sales Marketing
- Industry: Gaming and Hospitality
- Involvement: End User of Application
Submitted May 2022
The Original and best eSignature platform
Likeliness to Recommend
What differentiates DocuSign from other similar products?
This is the original eSignature Platform. It remains incredibly innovative and is one of the reasons that I bought stock (personal investing) in the company back in 2014 when it was under $50 a share. There are many imitators out there (imitation is the greatest form of flattery), and many are good. I think what sets DocuSign apart from similar products is their dominance with Fortune 1000 companies and global companies.
What is your favorite aspect of this product?
Ease of use
What do you dislike most about this product?
Pricing is more expensive, which can be hard for small businesses.
What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?
If you want the best, here it is. If you want a less expensive alternative with many of the same features, there are others out there. DocuSign delivers!
- Helps Innovate
- Reliable
- Enables Productivity
- Trustworthy
Anamaría A.
- Role: Industry Specific Role
- Industry: Media
- Involvement: End User of Application
Submitted Apr 2022
Great product!
Likeliness to Recommend
What differentiates DocuSign from other similar products?
I have used various software for electronic signatures, including free applications and none like Docusign. Unlike others, Docusign looks reliable right off the bat and allows both parties to review the document and sign it correctly.
What is your favorite aspect of this product?
What I like most about DocuSign is the reliability of its design. For things as delicate as signing documents, it is important that the first impression is the right one and generates security. That's the best thing about the software.
What do you dislike most about this product?
I don't dislike anything so far.
What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?
Whether you are a freelancer who wants to have more effective and serious management of your work, or you are an established company, DocuSign allows you to manage your contracts in an effective, fast and accurate way because it is immediate with notifications and it is also extremely user friendly, so no matter how tech-savvy or not the signers are, they will be able to scroll through the document safely and pleasantly.
- Helps Innovate
- Continually Improving Product
- Reliable
- Performance Enhancing
Ann M. F.
- Role: Operations
- Industry: Media
- Involvement: End User of Application
Submitted Mar 2022
Makes contract management so much easier
Likeliness to Recommend
What differentiates DocuSign from other similar products?
It was super easy to implement and for our staff to use. I can't imagine contracting with vendors and field team without it
What is your favorite aspect of this product?
nd deploying
What do you dislike most about this product?
I can't think of one thing
What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?
If you contract regularly with contractors this is a must to streamline your workflow. You can create the docusign, track and save without putting on servers, email or other methods. Makes our life so much easier
- Helps Innovate
- Continually Improving Product
- Reliable
- Performance Enhancing