What is DocuSign?
Use DocuSign to complete approvals and agreements in minutes or hours—not days—from almost anywhere in the world. Quickly and securely access and sign documents. Easily upload and send documents for others to sign. Send reminders and check signing status almost any time.
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Real user data aggregated to summarize the product performance and customer experience.
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Product scores listed below represent current data. This may be different from data contained in reports and awards, which express data as of their publication date.
91 Likeliness to Recommend
95 Plan to Renew
85 Satisfaction of Cost Relative to Value
Emotional Footprint Overview
Product scores listed below represent current data. This may be different from data contained in reports and awards, which express data as of their publication date.
+91 Net Emotional Footprint
The emotional sentiment held by end users of the software based on their experience with the vendor. Responses are captured on an eight-point scale.
How much do users love DocuSign?
- Reliable
- Enables Productivity
- Performance Enhancing
- Respectful
How to read the Emotional Footprint
The Net Emotional Footprint measures high-level user sentiment towards particular product offerings. It aggregates emotional response ratings for various dimensions of the vendor-client relationship and product effectiveness, creating a powerful indicator of overall user feeling toward the vendor and product.
While purchasing decisions shouldn't be based on emotion, it's valuable to know what kind of emotional response the vendor you're considering elicits from their users.
Feature Ratings
Digital Signature
Regulatory Compliance
Audit Trail
Customizable Branding
Vendor Capability Ratings
Ease of Implementation
Business Value Created
Usability and Intuitiveness
Quality of Features
Breadth of Features
Ease of Customization
Product Strategy and Rate of Improvement
Ease of Data Integration
Vendor Support
Ease of IT Administration
Availability and Quality of Training
DocuSign Reviews
Yeni O.
- Role: Information Technology
- Industry: Banking
- Involvement: End User of Application
Submitted Aug 2024
Always met my document signing needs.
Likeliness to Recommend
What differentiates DocuSign from other similar products?
Docusign is more than a software for collecting electronic signatures. It is used by several departments within my organization as a web form for collecting informations, as an enabler for quote to cash processes within the sales department, and so on. This multi-use case nature of Docusign stands it out from close alternatives, I think.
What is your favorite aspect of this product?
I am impressed with the security provisions on Docusign which ensures the safety and authenticity of data shared through the platform . In this case, Docusigns threat detection and signer ID verification protocols clearly come to mind. More personally, the seamless and straightforward process of collecting and signing documents through Docusign really appeals to me.
What do you dislike most about this product?
Docusign mobile app. can and should be better. I have had multiple experiences with minor glitches on the app. which forces me to signout and then sign-in back into the app. On other occasions, I have to tap on an option multiple times before it responds.
What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?
For all processes that involve inputting signatures digitally, I think Docusign should get strong consideration.
- Reliable
- Performance Enhancing
- Enables Productivity
- Unique Features
Ankit M.
- Role: Information Technology
- Industry: Retail
- Involvement: IT Leader or Manager
Submitted Oct 2024
Best Signature app
Likeliness to Recommend
What differentiates DocuSign from other similar products?
DocuSign offers functionalities such as document routing, templates, bulk sending.
What is your favorite aspect of this product?
Send docuemnt to Multiple signer.
What do you dislike most about this product?
users experience lag and slow loading time
What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?
Yes, will recommed to anyone who is looking for a good document signing app.
- Reliable
- Performance Enhancing
- Enables Productivity
- Trustworthy
- Role: Information Technology
- Industry: Technology
- Involvement: IT Development, Integration, and Administration
Submitted Aug 2024
Very easy to use. Supported by many platforms.
Likeliness to Recommend
- Helps Innovate
- Continually Improving Product
- Reliable
- Performance Enhancing