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Board International Solution Marketplace Gets SOC Compliance: Prêt-à-Porter Solutions and Assured Security in the Cloud

Board International announced the release of Board Marketplace, a solution marketplace where customers can find ready-built solutions for specific business processes, functions, or industries.

At the same time, the company reported successful completion of SOC examinations for SOC-2 and SOC-3. As per the news release, for SOC-2 “Board was measured against two principles – Security and Availability”.

As Infosecurity Group explains: “A SOC report is a verifiable auditing report which is performed by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designated by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). … A SOC report tells us if financial audits are performed or not; if audits are done as per the controls defined by the serviced company or not; and the effectiveness of the audits performed. In brief, a SOC report is the compendium of safeguards built within the control base of the data and is also a check if those safeguards work or not.”

Source: Board at SoftwareReviews, Accessed May 12, 2020

Our Take

We have already reported on the trend among BI & analytics vendors to offer a marketplace for their customers to facilitate solution delivery and user adoption. Board has joined in but limited the marketplace to just those solutions built with its own software. Other vendors would include complementary software offerings into their marketplaces.

Cloud-based SaaS offerings have always caused security concerns from heavily regulated industries. By getting SOC-2 and SOC-3 certification, Board has addressed such concerns and significantly solidified its position among the highest-paying (and most heavily regulated) customers.

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