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Experian Acquires Australian “Look Who’s Charging”

Experian acquires Australian Fintech “Look Who’s Charging” to solve the frustrating problem of unrecognized banking charges. Look Who’s Charging addresses this problem by providing instant information about the merchant who submitted the charge.

Source: Experian at SoftwareReviews, Accessed December 17, 2019

Our Take

The payment industry continues to evolve at a rapid pace. A common problem with payments is unrecognized charges. In many cases, charges made in a banking transaction are processed with a merchant name that is not recognized by the person who made the purchase. The merchant account may be in a holding company name or a corporate account as opposed to the name of the retailer or client facing company. With this acquisition, Experian will help to reduce this problem. As credit card fraud and data breaches continue to rise, this service will prove useful to Experian’s customers.

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