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Tenable Chosen as the Successor for BeyondTrust’s Vulnerability Management Suite; BeyondTrust Steps Aside

Announced on December 31, 2019, BeyondTrust named Tenable as the successor to its Vulnerability Management suite. BeyondTrust has announced the end of life for its Enterprise Vulnerability Management and Network Security Scanner offerings. BeyondTrust has issued three important dates to make note of:

  • December 31, 2019 – End of sale
  • June 30, 2020 – Last date to renew
  • December 31, 2020 – End of life for existing customers

Source: Tenable, Accessed January 28, 2020

Source: BeyondTrust, Accessed January 28, 2020

BeyondTrust is exiting the vulnerability management market after reviewing its products within the market. BeyondTrust was trying to make sure that there is strategic and business alignment with the program. BeyondTrust’s vulnerability management offering was deemed to not be core to its leadership in the privileged access management (PAM) space and thus will be discontinued. Tenable has, according to BeyondTrust, a proven track record of product innovation in vulnerability management and extensive investment into vulnerability research.

Our Take

A consolidation of scope is valuable to small businesses and enterprises alike. BeyondTrust understands the comparative advantage of limiting its product field. There is no need to continue offering a product and spending resources on its development if it is not showing a return on investment. Partnering with another vendor to close any gaps in areas that need improvements benefits BeyondTrust and its customers in the end – customers get better products for their needs.

Current BeyondTrust members should consider switching to Tenable to have a current version of a vulnerability management solution before the June 30 or December 31 deadlines. Check out Info-Tech’s Product Scorecard on Tenable to see if Tenable is the right fit for your business as a vulnerability management tool.

If you’re still developing a vulnerability management program, ensure you’ve done the work of identifying and assessing the risk of your current vulnerabilities before you implement a solution. For guidance in finding out how vulnerable you may be and what options you can take, read our blueprint Design and Implement a Vulnerability Management Program.

Want to Know More?

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Design and Implement a Vulnerability Management Program

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