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Veeam Availability Suite 9.5 Update 4 Is a Step Up for Cloud Backup

New cloud data management capabilities are part of Veaam Availability Suite 9.5 Update 4. With the steady shift from cloud as a backup target to cloud as a backup source, organizations need to address cloud-native backup.

Running workloads in the cloud provides new challenges for IT practitioners, specifically around management of disparate environments, vendor lock-in, and cost management. Veeam Availability Suite 9.5 Update 4 includes the following new features:

  • Veeam Availability for AWS: Cloud-native backup and recovery of AWS with the option to consolidate data into a central Veeam repository. Agentless data protection using AWS snapshots and instant recovery as well as cost savings by decoupling backups from EC2 and storing them inside low-cost Amazon S3 or on premises.
  • Cloud Tier: Allows for cost-effective object storage and integrations with Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, IBM Cloud Object Storage, and more.
  • Upgrade to DataLabs: Security and data governance options now include GDPR readiness and malware prevention.

Organizations can migrate, move, or recover workloads to AWS, Azure, and Azure Stack from any cloud-based or on-premises environment in two steps. With new Veeam Instance Licensing VIL move from AWS to Azure to IBM Cloud within a multi-cloud strategy at no additional license cost.

Our Take

Moving data to the cloud does not guarantee resiliency.Make sure your organization has a plan to back up cloud workloads. Veeam’s update is a product of the trend to multi-cloud, hybrid cloud, and mixed on-premises and cloud environments.

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