Tagged - Cloud Computing

Manufacturing Enterprise Architecture Maturity Assessment Tool

This tool evaluates manufacturers’ current EA capabilities across 21 unique attributes under seven different EA components to assess their current maturity levels. This,...

Redefine Enterprise Architecture for Smart Manufacturing Storyboard

This research aims to redefine the role of enterprise architecture in the context of smart manufacturing. The research will provide valuable insights for CIOs striving to...

Redefine Enterprise Architecture for Smart Manufacturing

Manufacturers are progressively embracing smart technologies, driven by the desire to increase efficiency, reduce operational costs, and enhance production capabilities....

Supply Chain as a Service Storyboard

How will supply chain as a service remodel the retail and wholesale industry?

SCaaS Business Use Case Template

A template to help you describe the business case for a SCaaS solution.

RASCI Chart for SCaaS

A template to help ensure every role, project, or task has an accountable party.

SCaaS Controlled Vendor Communications Letter

A template to create a communication process with a vendor.

SCaaS Key Vendor Fiscal Year End Calendar

A tool to track the fiscal year ends of major software vendors.

SCaaS Vendor Communication Management Plan

A template to guide communications between your organization and your vendor.

SCaaS Contract Negotiation Terms Prioritization Checklist

This tool will help you prioritize your negotiation of key terms. When negotiating a contract, it's essential to decide which terms are non-negotiable and which ones have...
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