Use this blueprint to understand what AI really means in practice and to get started with your AI explorations to harness its transformative power.
Organizations of all kinds are turning to the power of AI technology to drive increased efficiency, engage customers, and make faster, more accurate decisions. Can you...
Amazon is offering its cashierless store technology to other retailers. The technology known as “Just Walk Out” eliminates checkout lines, offering an “effortless”...
“Facebook quietly acquired another UK AI startup and almost no one noticed,” reported TechCrunch on February 10. We looked into why.
Facebook agreed to pay $550 million to settle a class action lawsuit with a group of users in Illinois over its use of facial recognition technology (FRT) to tag...
Facial recognition technologies (FRTs) are in the news again. This time, it is Clearview AI, a small company that until recently was virtually unknown to everyone except...
Doctors at the Moorfields Eye Hospital in London have built a data set that links patient retinal scans with nationally held data about people with Alzheimer’s. They plan...
Read this Executive Brief to understand whether augmented reality is the right technology for your organization. Company leaders must understand how it will impact their...
This storyboard will help you begin your augmented reality journey with a detailed understanding of the technology and its applicable use cases.
This phase of the blueprint, Activate Your Augmented Reality Initiative, will help you begin your augmented reality journey with a detailed understanding of the...