Tagged - Education

Special Letter: Can India Look After Itself?

Sixty-four years after India's independence in 1947, middle-class Indians are gripped by fears about the future. No, it is not the pathetic performance of the Indian...

Special Letter: Three Drivers of the Digital Classroom

Technology and Education: two ideas that cannot be separated, and that have yet to be properly merged. In the firmament of veterans in this sector who have the...

Special Letter: The Reformers Are Leaving Our Schools in the 20th Century

This is an unprecedented time in U.S. education, and awareness that we have a problem has never been higher. Billions of dollars of public and private money are lined up...

News Analysis - Apple iPad Signals More Innovation in Healthcare, Education and Professional Services

(27-Jan-10) Apple has unveiled its long anticipated tablet computer, the iPad. The iPad is the culmination of Apple's entrance into the mobile device market, starting...

e-Learning Specialist

The e-Learning Specialist's role is to deliver training to end users via Web-based educational models and corresponding software tools. This individual is responsible for...
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