Use this tool to elicit business and technical requirements for your RPMS project.
This phase of the blueprint, Select, Implement, or Change a Research & Patient Management System, will help you define your RPMS state and requirements.
If you are considering a new RPMS you can use this blueprint to help guide you through the process of evaluating your readiness, building your business case, selecting...
Read this Executive Brief to understand why RPMS is important, what the challenges are with RPMS, and how you can overcome the issues.
The Resource Patient Management System is an integrated solution for the management of clinical, business practice, and administrative information in healthcare...
Review court & docket management system providers and build a shortlist of vendors for your tribal court & judicial system.
Understand the court & docket management system space, including the vendor and product capabilities and limitations.
Automation of court operations is driven by the need to improve communication and ICWA compliance, and as tribes obtain funding from the Office of Tribal Justice Support...
It's no secret that, for much of the world today, governments are broken, economies are struggling, and unemployment among the young is in the 25%-50% range. Among other...