Tagged - mark anderson


Special Letter: Capability Leverage

Capability leverage is made possible when diverse parties, from individuals and small firms to large incumbents, and even cities, form ongoing and mutually beneficial...

Asia Letter, Q4 2012: The Canada of Asia?

The economic integration of Eastern Russia with China, Korea, and Japan will strengthen all four countries. The primary threats to this optimistic scenario are...

Special Letter: A Contract with the Ocean

How many of the solutions we currently envision address only the land? As we improve our science, and alert the human population to the benefits of seeing the Ocean as a...

Chinese Banks: An Economic Fantasy?

The economic rise of China is the most important financial event in this century. What if it, like so many other Chinese products, is counterfeit?

Online Business Models

There is a new verb in the English language, which no doubt haunts the memories of both Facebook IPO participants: "You have just been Zucked." The pain of this investing...

The Telequipment Sector: A Lesson in Economic Destruction

There was a time in human memory when Lucent was the big kid on the block. A hot company, a hot stock to own, run by some very savvy executives.

Education Beyond Technology

Today, at a time when the incorporation of basic internet connection technology in K-12 schoolrooms is accepted as a "When, not if" proposition, almost all of the...

Asia Letter, Q3 2012: Nuclear Summer

In early May, the last of Japan's 54 nuclear reactors was shut down for inspection. On July 1, the No. 3 reactor at the Oi nuclear power plant, located on the Japan Sea...

A Centerpiece Conversation with Mark Hurd; "The New Frontier: Simplify IT"

Mark Hurd and I have had a longstanding friendship, beginning with his time as CEO of Hewlett-Packard. Before we met, I was already working with NCR and Teradata, his...

The Trends Driving FiRe X: Part II

In the first part of this discussion, I looked at the trends behind the opening session conversations at this year's Future in Review Conference. The trends I'll discuss...
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