Tagged - mark anderson


​Bandwidth Goes Vertical

While most internet broadband today is delivered via land-based telecoms carriers, there are (and have been) quite a few space-based providers of content and services....

Asia Letter, Q3 2020: A New Indo-Pacific Starts to Take Shape

Scott Foster has again captured the early winds of change in Asia, this time as its neighbors shift partially away from China. The free-trade pacts between European...

​Will the Next Internet Be Built on Satellites?

In this week's transcript, our members will have a chance, probably for the first time, to get the best look into both the technical and financial aspects of this coming...

Changing the Conversation: Moving Forward in a C-19 World

In this week's discussion, we'll skip all of the politics (knew you'd like that one) and challenge the black / white Lockdown / Open-up choices being bandied about...

The Physics of Biology: Connecting Life, Evolution, Energy, and the Second Law

It’s a travesty that the sciences of physics and biology are so rarely discussed together. This week, Mark Anderson discusses some exciting new paths to the application...

Returning to a Better World

At a time of global catastrophe, it can be hard to find the bright spots. We can start by identifying the emerging trends that will shape the global economy as we all...

The COVID-19 Innovation Abyss

Is it possible that one of the most important, but unexpected, effects of the current global lockdown will be a dramatic decline in innovation?

What the Federalism: The Election Machines Are Broken

In this week's issue, you'll feel you were onstage with them as cyber expert (and Forbes contributing editor) Jody Westby interviews Harri Hursti, perhaps the world's...

Top Ten Predictions for 2020

Here are my Top Ten predictions for 2020, followed by a graded refresher in the "Takeout Window" on last year's calls.

The Future of Energy: Facing the "New Normal"

For many people, from investors to customers, when they first see Joule Case's high-design stacked storage systems, their immediate response is: I would like a few of...
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