This phase of the blueprint, Activate Your Augmented Reality Initiative, will help you begin your augmented reality journey with a detailed understanding of the...
This storyboard will help you begin your augmented reality journey with a detailed understanding of the technology and its applicable use cases.
Read this Executive Brief to understand whether augmented reality is the right technology for your organization. Company leaders must understand how it will impact their...
This blueprint reviews Info-Tech’s business-centric definition of augmented reality, as well as the technology’s key benefits and how it will impact a variety of...
Use this communication deck to educate IT and Marketing stakeholders on the generic value of digital marketing channels. Get everyone on the same level and establish a...
This tool precisely determines and prioritizes the digital channels that your organization should and will pursue. It then identifies the IT capabilities that your...
This blueprint is designed to help IT and marketing achieve absolute consensus on the prioritization of digital channels and to create a roadmap for IT to build all...
Investment in digital marketing technology has exploded as consumers flock to digital channels like email, social networking, video, photo, and mobile apps. IT has less...
Gain a better grasp on what end users expect from end-user computing.
End-user computing options grow more and more complex. Estimate costs and keep on budget using a five-year TCO calculator.