Capture each Scrum team member's capacity for each Sprint to avoid overloading them.
A template to show the budget allocation compared to benchmarks and the alignment of the marketing budget to the company goals and other teams who need marketing support.
The Marketing Budget Worksheet for Software and Technology Companies is a comprehensive tool that allows you to create a marketing budget based on your annual recurring...
This deck helps CMOs review budgets, create forward-looking strategies, prioritize spend, and pivot to low-effort, high-return campaigns. It's the perfect tool for CMOs...
This blueprint aims to guide CMOs at every stage in their mission to become full participants in their company’s growth. It also provides them with the tools they need to...
Use this tool to record the blueprint exercises.
Use this tool to assess the best option for your team collaboration and knowledge management: Center of Excellence (CoE), Center for Enablement (C4E), or Community of...
Use this tool to assess the best option for your team collaboration and knowledge management: Center of Excellence (CoE), Center for Enablement (C4E) or Community of...
Companies want to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing. How to approach it will depend on the specific purpose or project.
Executives are continuously looking for innovative ways to satisfy their strategic objectives with applications tools, technologies, and practices. Carefully craft these...