IT Knowledge Transfer Project Charter Template

The IT Knowledge Transfer Project Charter Template is used to communicate the value and rationale for knowledge transfer to key stakeholders.

IT Knowledge Identification Interview Guide Template

The IT Knowledge Identification Interview Guide Template is used to provide a framework to conduct interviews with knowledge sources to extract the information they have

Lead Staff through Change

Managers are often too busy focusing on process elements of change; as a result, they neglect major opportunities to leverage and mitigate staff behaviors that affect the...

Storyboard: Lead Staff through Change

Focus is often first placed on figuring out the operational and process changes, leaving the people aspect until the end. This is the biggest mistake a manager can make...

Lead Staff through Change: Employee Change Personas

Staff members resemble four common personas as they transition through a change process. Learn how to manage each persona differently to leverage and mitigate employee...

Change Impact Assessment Tool

The purpose of this tool is to aid managers in determining the level of impact a change will have on their staff.

Basic Business Change Communication Worksheet

To effectively communicate with staff, it is important to put the business rationale behind change and its expectations into writing. This will be very useful when...

Advanced Business Change Description Form

To effectively communicate with staff, it is important to put the business rationale behind changes and their expectations into writing. This will be very useful when...

Change Debrief Questionnaire

This questionnaire is meant to gather feedback from staff members about a recent change process. The purpose of this feedback is to improve the process for future change...

Leadership Competencies Workbook

The Leadership Competencies Workbook provides a structured way to document your work through the project to select strategically-aligned leadership competencies.
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