
Establishing an effective innovation process can mean the difference between a CIO (chief information officer) being perceived as solely a technical resource or as a strategic business leader. The advent and acceleration of emerging technologies such as AI (Artificial Intelligence), RPA (robotic process automation), blockchain, digital twin, machine learning, deep learning and more has created the need for new roles in an organization, such as the CDO (chief digital officer) and Chief Innovation Officer. These roles can be occupied by IT leaders or can be lead by the business. Without an innovation process in place, IT leaders will begin to see IT employee attrition rates rise, as no high potential IT talent wants to work for an organization that is not innovating. In order to have a role in shaping what the next version of your organization will be, IT leaders must adopt the right innovation practices and tool sets so that their workforce is equipped with the skills needed for the future of work. Our innovation blueprints help CIOs, CTOs (chief technology officers), and even chief innovation officers create or evolve their innovation process to incorporate strategic foresight, design thinking and other cutting edge ideation tactics that help future proof their organizations, and their careers.


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