Use this template to document your vision, goals, and approach to communication and collaboration systems.
This phase of the blueprint, Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy, will help you create an engagement plan for IT and end users.
This phase of the blueprint, Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy, will help you create a path forward.
This phase of the blueprint, Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy, will help you to understand common pain points and to develop an approach to...
Focus on creating a streamlined set of tools that users need and want. Shape demand for these supported tools by engaging with end users long after the initial deployment.
This storyboard will help you improve your approach to collaboration services.
Read this Executive Brief to understand why a new approach to collaboration systems is necessary.
Everyone works differently and so too do teams. It doesn’t make sense to force everyone to use the same tools for collaboration. IT needs to engage and, well, collaborate...
The email acceptable use policy outlines the standards for appropriate use of corporate email accounts.
Allowing vendors to run a product demonstration without your guidance will only highlight their strengths and present a subjective and skewed view of their product offering.