Email Security Gateway Vendor Shortlist & Detailed Feature Analysis Tool

This worksheet allows enterprises to profile their email security gateway (ESG) requirements and generate a rank-ordered vendor shortlist from a fixed list of vendors....

Email Security Gateway RFP Template

Issuing an RFP to vendors is a critical step in your email security gateway solution selection process.

Collaboration Solution Designer

The Collaboration Solution Designer assesses the needs and collaboration patterns of each workgroup in your organization and aggregates the results to provide an...

Collaboration Readiness Assessment

Collaboration tools are invaluable for enhancing knowledge sharing, innovation and employee-to-employee communication, but some organizations are better positioned to...

Collaboration Business Analyst

To successfully implement a collaboration platform, put the right people behind the implementation. If the budget allows, hire a dedicated resource to execute the...

Cloud File Sharing Vendor Shortlist Tool

Info-Tech conducted its own market evaluation of eight leading cloud file sharing (CFS) vendors. This tool allows enterprises to profile their CFS requirements and...

Email Reduction

Email can be an addictive and dangerous to enterprise culture and productivity. Take control of the problem by introducing social collaboration tools that will get used.

Case Study: Reducing Email

Email can be addictive, and dangerous to enterprise culture and productivity. However, it is a required tool that is the blood line of most enterprises.

Storyboard: Reduce Email Volume

Email can be an addictive and dangerous to enterprise culture and productivity. Take control of the problem by introducing social collaboration tools that will get used.

Email Grief Survey

Email volume is often a problem for organizations. Use this survey to determine what the nature of the problem is and whether IT can provide a technical solution to...
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