Ensure DRP and BCP Compliance With Industry Standards

Don’t let the verbose nature of standards documentation such as NIST, HIPAA, PCI, and others overcomplicate your mandate to ensure your business continuity management...
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Termination Logistics Tool

Use this tool to carry out and communicate terminations smoothly through thoughtful planning and consideration of the termination's impact.

Checklist: Return to the Workplace

Use the template checklists in this tool to identify and assign your own tasks to support your organization's return to the workplace post-COVID-19.

Mitigate the Risk of a Cloud Outage

IT leaders are still accountable for service continuity, even when those services are moved to the cloud. When an O365 outage occurs, the CEO is calling you, not Microsoft.

DRP Review Checklist

Review the full DR plan annually to identify changes that weren’t captured via day-to-day change management.

DRP-BCP Review Workflow

Review your full DR and BC plans annually to identify changes that weren’t captured via day-to-day change management.

Crisis Management Plan Summary Example

Summarize your organization's crisis management capabilities and objectives in one easy-to-consume document.

Implement Crisis Management Best Practices

Build an effective crisis management plan around a framework that enables your organization to respond to any crisis and manage the impact; from health and safety...
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Implement Crisis Management Best Practices – Phases 1-4

Implement an effective crisis response plan to minimize the impact of crises on business continuity, reputation, and profitability.

Implement Crisis Management Best Practices – Executive Brief

Implement an effective crisis response plan to minimize the impact of crises on business continuity, reputation, and profitability.
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