Zoom Offers Range of Services to Help Combat COVID-19

Zoom has offered a range of new services to help those affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

Prepare Your Organization to Successfully Embrace the “New Normal” Storyboard

Many of the organizational changes wrought by COVID-19 are here to stay: enact a plan to adapt to them successfully.

Prepare Your Organization to Successfully Embrace the “New Normal”

Many of the organizational changes wrought by COVID-19 are here to stay: enact a plan to adapt to them successfully.

Government – The Essential Ten-Step Guide: Building and Communicating Your CIO Strategy for COVID-19

CIOs in Government will play a critical role during the COVID-19 crisis. This is an opportunity to shine. Use this plan to help you build and communicate a clear strategy...

Epic Systems Launches COVID-19 Screening App in Partnership With OCHIN

Epic Systems, a provider of health information technology, launched a COVID-19 triage app in partnership with nonprofit health IT services provider OCHIN. The app will...

Healthcare – The Essential Ten-Step Guide: Building and Communicating Your CIO Strategy for COVID-19

CIOs in Healthcare will play a critical role during the COVID-19 crisis. This is an opportunity to shine. Use this plan to help you build and communicate a clear strategy...

COVID-19 Healthcare Roundtable

Listen to this special COVID-19 Healthcare Roundtable to gain insight into what others in Healthcare IT are doing to cope with this unprecedented crisis in the near term...

Crisis Matrix Communications Templates

Use these templates to provide key communicators with collateral to present to employees during this challenging time.

First 30 Days Pandemic Response Plan

The COVID-19 pandemic isn’t your usual crisis – it has an indeterminate duration and a global scope. In today’s VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous)...
  • guided implementation icon

First 30 Days Pandemic Response Plan Storyboard

It’s time for leaders to leap into action. Plan the organization's response during the critical first days of the crisis.
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