Operations - Templates & Policies

Availability and Reliability SLA Metrics Tracking Template

Establish a framework to collect the necessary metrics to properly evaluate current availability and reliability service levels.

Availability Internal Service Level Agreement Template

Create the internal availability and reliability SLA by amalgamating the insights from the current and target analysis.

Service Catalog Internal Service Level Agreement Template

Create the internal service catalog SLA by amalgamating the insights from the current and target state analysis.

Service Desk Internal Service Level Agreement Template

Create the internal service desk SLA by amalgamating the insights from the current and target state analysis.

DR Test Plan Passive Testing Handbook

Identify and document all the resources necessary to support the facilitator during a passive DR test.

Crisis Communication Guidelines and Templates

Develop a crisis communication plan and pre-planned communications.

Organizational Learning Guide

Identify lessons learned from a crisis or crisis management plan testing exercise.

DRP Project Charter Template

Define roles and responsibilities, project objectives, and key milestones.

Systems Management Project Charter Template

Communicate your systems management implementation initiative to stakeholders with a project charter.

Systems Management RFP Template

Use this template to help create a request for proposal (RFP) for a systems management solution according to your enterprise requirements.
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