
Cybersecurity Priorities in Times of Pandemic Storyboard

The recent events around COVID-19 have been unprecedented, and organizations have taken measures to maintain business continuity. IT is supporting business continuity...

Provide Balanced Wellbeing Programs Storyboard

Employee wellbeing impacts employee engagement, productivity, and talent retention and attraction. Whether the effects are positive or negative is largely determined by...

Execute an Emergency Remote Work Plan Storyboard

This blueprint offers guidance, tools, and templates to ensure that if an emergency hits your organization, forcing your employees to work remotely, you can effectively...

Streamline Your Workforce During a Pandemic Storyboard

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered record-breaking market volatility, causing organizations to face very hard decisions. Initiate redeployment efforts and reduce costs...

Ensure Your Pandemic Response Plan Is Privacy-Proof Storyboard

Don't let panic negate the need for privacy best practices. Keep privacy at the core of your pandemic response plan and build a program that is time-sensitive, scalable,...

Adapt Your Customer Experience Strategy to Successfully Weather COVID-19 Storyboard

COVID-19 is a daunting threat for virtually every organization – but an updated approach to customer experience management can help ward off the worst outcomes. However,...

Reinforce End-User Security Awareness During Your COVID-19 Response Storyboard

Augment your security and training program with considerations for remote users during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Essential COVID-19 Childcare Policy for Every Organization, Yesterday Storyboard

Holistic strategy to help managers and employees navigate and balance work with care-provider responsibilities.

Develop a COVID-19 Pandemic Response Plan Storyboard

COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic. IT departments must do their part to develop a pandemic response plan.

Get Started With IT Project Portfolio Management Storyboard

Use this blueprint to establish key practices in project portfolio management, project management, and organizational change management.
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