This is a step-by-step document that walks you through how to prepare an IT department to embrace innovation to support the organization’s digital initiatives.
Understand how and why to measure customer satisfaction with the service desk, then design both a transactional and relationship survey to collect feedback, and build a...
This template will help you map out the step-by-step process to review collected feedback from your end-user satisfaction surveys, analyze the data, and act on it.
Use this template to design or write your transactional (ticket) satisfaction survey.
A tool to calculate the sample size needed for your survey.
Learn how to set up a customer feedback program for your service desks.
First 100 Days as CIO
A tool to calculate the sample size needed for your survey.
If a full and complete RFP process does not meet your needs or timeline for a low to medium cost procurement, yet you are unsure of vendor capabilities, consider using a...