Contact Tracing and Location Tracking solutions leverage a hardware proximity monitor that can be issued to employees (or in some instances, the employee’s mobile device)...
Brand protection software assists organizations with guarding against fraudulent use of product listings, websites, and other aspects that infringe intellectual property....
The client portals come in three major types: B2B E-commerce platforms, B2B customer portals, and B2B partner portals.
Application virtualization is the process behind making a standard application believe that it is directly interfaced with an operating system when it is not. This is...
AP automation software enables organizations to process large volumes of invoices and transactions, reducing manual labor and human error.
Info-Tech defines Third-Party Risk Management as a solution that evaluates and monitors of risk of third-party vendors, contractors and consultants.
Third-party risk management (TPRM) solutions identify, manage, and mitigate risks related to third parties, including vendors, suppliers, partners, contractors, and...
Policy management systems are leveraged by organizations to enable standardized policy lifecycle workflows, making accessible the tools needed to oversee, update, and...
Subscription management solution offers the ability to manage customers' subscriptions and provide support throughout their lifecycle.
MPM platforms allow municipalities to intake permit submissions and associated documentation, triage them internally for review and assessment, set a disposition and...