Many IT departments lack internal expertise to undertake a data center build project as facilities require specific industrial design and engineering requirements to meet...
In technology, the ancient regime was driven by Wintel (Windows and Intel), mostly: a famously paranoid Andy Grove, paired with Bill Gates, the most competitive...
The project team, project manager, and project sponsor must be on the same page at all times. Regular meetings and active communication are imperative, but without...
The beginning stages of the project are dedicated to working out the details of the project task schedule. Take advantage of this template to determine and create a...
The project kick-off meeting is an essential step of successful project management. It should be conducted at the start of the project execution or phase initiation....
Keeping the team informed is critical to project health. Project teams should participate in regular meetings to communicate project status, identify issues, and track...
There are a lot of headlines out there this week that sound like this: "Will the iPad save print media?" I have many friends in the media world, and the last few years...
Over the course of an application's lifecycle, maintenance costs will comprise the majority of total cost of ownership. An Application Maintenance Policy should be in...
A data center build project charter is essential to the planning phase of the project. It lays out important information such as the project's description, potential...
Organizations embarking on the selection process for an IP Telephony (IPT) solution may elect to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) after determining their final...