The Application Support Analyst's role is to deliver support to end users in the organization about how to use various types of software programs efficiently and...
The role of the Software Licensing Manager is to support, manage, and administer contracts for software and application services and products across the organization....
The Systems Engineer's role is to ensure the stability, integrity, and efficient operation of the in-house information systems that support core organizational functions....
The Quality Assurance Manager's role is to develop, establish, and enforce quality assurance standards and measures for the information technology services within the...
Reporting directly to the CEO/President, the VP of IT's role is to plan, coordinate, direct, and design all operational activities of the IT department, as well as...
The Document Imaging Specialist's role is to perform production activities for supporting in-house document retention policies and procedures. This includes preparing...
The Web Architect's role is to construct and implement the technical design for the organization's presence on the Internet. This includes the selection of Web...
Apply Info-Tech's consultant evaluation matrix to help you hire the perfect consultant.
Measuring project performance, and calculating ROI, will help you halt failing projects before they consume additional resources. Use this worksheet to help you make your...
The Application Development Manager's role is to plan, coordinate, and supervise all activities related to the design, development, and implementation of organizational...