Target Ratio, Mix, and Metric Generator

The majority of IT departments spend 66% of their time performing operational activity and 34% of their time on strategic activity. Shifting more focus to strategic...

Handling Senior Management Expectations

Often, IT makes wrong assumptions about what senior managers expect of the department and how it actually performs against those expectations. As a result, IT leaders...

Senior Management Expectation Survey

Use the following survey to evaluate senior management's expectations of IT.

The Technology Thaw of 2011

Despite continuing economic challenges, IT organizations must continue to innovate. An essential element of innovation is the utilization of new technologies. In 2011, we...

McLean Report: Peer Survey Results Overview April 2010

Info-Tech recently conducted several surveys for our research projects. This document is a high level summary of those results and an introduction to the resulting research.

Merger & Acquisition Project Planning and Monitoring Tool

92% of IT professionals who achieve their merger and acquisition (M&A) goals create an M&A plan with specific timelines outlined for application, infrastructure, data,...

Cash Flow Analysis Template

A cash flow statement is essential to understanding the financial position of the business. There are three key components included in the analysis in order to accurately...
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