This compendium contains 11 essential tools and templates to help you build and run your vendor management initiative.
This tool helps you objectively determine which vendors are the most important vendors to your organization from a vendor management perspective.
This tool provides a basic framework to identify, measure, monitor, and report the risk associated with your important vendors.
Use this tool to collect and record stakeholder input on the vendor's performance according to your team's, and the contract's, expectations.
Use this tool to help identify and quantify the reputational impacts of negative vendor actions.
Use this tool to help identify and quantify the strategic impacts of negative vendor actions.
Use this tool to help identify and quantify the financial impacts of negative vendor actions.
Use Info-Tech’s Vendor TCO Tool to normalize each vendor’s pricing proposal and account for the lifetime cost of the product.
Use this tool to assist you and your team in documenting the requirements for your RFP.
This tool provides a job aid in establishing your key RFP dates while tracking the status of meeting these milestone dates.