Security Research Center

A holistic approach to building an agile, robust security program.

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  • 1 Start With Strategy

    Define what security capabilities are required by the organization and outline their corresponding priorities.

  • 2 Prioritize Key Capabilities

    Time and resources are finite – ensure that you are allocating them to the most impactful projects.

  • 3 Engage With Our Team

    Whether it's preparing for ransomware or achieving data compliance, follow your objectives below to find the step-by-step set of Info-Tech materials to support your efforts.

    Engage with our analysts for one-on-one support to realize value quickly.

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Start With Security Strategy and Foundations

Strategize and select a core security journey

Too often, chief information security officers find their programs stuck in reactive mode, a result of years of mounting security technical debt. Building a strategically aligned security program that masters the foundations will support your shift from a reactive to a proactive stance – which has never been more important.


Mature Security Governance

Enable your security operations

So, you've got a cybersecurity program – but is it doing what the organization needs?

All too often there is a lack of consensus among business leaders and cybersecurity professionals about how much security is enough, too much, or just right.

Resolve this dilemma by building a security governance and management program that enables business operations rather than impedes them.


Manage Security Risk

There will always be risk – the question is, how will you manage it?

Security risk management will bring your security program to the next level. There needs to be an appropriate risk model based upon the organization’s risk tolerance, which can allow for better security initiative planning, prioritization, and budgeting. Only with a regular dynamic view into risk can an organization be confident that it is providing the necessary level of security.


Satisfy Security Compliance Requirements

Reduce complexity in your compliance program

If you're a typical security leader, then you probably manage five or more compliance obligations and are allocating at least 25% of your budget toward compliance activities...yet you don't believe that all this compliance is making you more secure.

Follow Info-Tech's methodologies to reduce the complexity of governing and managing your compliance program.


Modernize Identity and Access Management

Effective secure all managed identities

Your organization likely juggles many different identity types. This results in a complex system of identity storage, ownership, and security requirements.

To ensure a significant improvement in identity security, organizations must be willing to take a step back and understand where their vulnerabilities lie and identify the threats that may take advantage of them.


Implement Zero Trust

Trust equals vulnerability

Gone are the days of operating safely within the corporate network perimeter. We all manage multiple environments with complex interconnections. Furthermore, the threats are not just at the perimeter – threats (both known and unknown) are all around us and often inside your organization.

Zero trust security provides a path to simplifying this complex landscape with a systematic, unified approach to eliminating vulnerabilities.


Manage Vulnerabilities and Threats

Vulnerability management does not end at patching

Vulnerabilities are ever-present due to the constantly changing nature of technology, but taking measures to address them completely will consume your department's time and resources.

Take Info-Tech's risk-based approach to vulnerability management and threat modeling so you can get off the merry-go-round of responsive patching and start mitigating risk!


Secure Cloud Services

Make cloud security robust and right-sized

The transition to the cloud is providing tremendous value to businesses everywhere, but small vulnerabilities that might go unnoticed on a private network may now be exposed to the world, increasing security risk dramatically if appropriate steps are not taken.

Take the steps to ensure your approach to cloud security is robust and right-sized.


Security Culture and Awareness

End users can be your greatest strength…or your greatest weakness

End-user security awareness and training should be the highest-value control in your security program, but it is easy to get lost in all the options available. This leads the initiative to an early death or to a program ill equipped to promote a healthy security culture.

Determine what you want your program to accomplish – then use a thoughtful approach to ensure you foster the behaviors you want to see.


Reduce Vendor and Third-Party Risk

Adopt a risk-based approach to vendor security

There are security risks hiding in your supply chain, and left alone they will only get worse. At the same time, trying to do too much due diligence will bury you in red tape and discourage business partnerships.

The answer to this dilemma is a risk-based approach to vendor and third-party security that satisfies all stakeholders and keeps your high-risk data safe.

Detection & Response

Prepare for Ransomware Attacks

Be ready for potential incidents

Ransomware attackers treat ransomware like a business, and they are working hard to find new “customers.” Ransomware dwell time and encryption speed are evolving quickly, making the potential impact larger than ever. The difference between those who pay and those who don’t often comes down to who is best prepared for something bad to happen.

Plan for the best but prepare for the worst. Info-Tech's approach will help you to be more resilient to disruption and better prepared to respond to a potential incident.

Detection & Response

Prepare to Address Security Incidents

Respond proactively with robust incident planning

Security incidents are going to happen whether you're prepared or not…so, are you prepared to respond?

When an incident strikes, don't waste time deciding what to do; rather, be prepared to take action quickly with a robust incident response program.

Data Privacy

Achieve Data Privacy Compliance

Clarify data privacy with a systematic approach

Heavy-handed privacy regulations seem to be rolling out everywhere, and sensitive data is ubiquitous like never before, causing many IT leaders to feel like they're playing catch-up when it comes to data privacy.

Remove the ambiguity around data privacy with a systematic approach to understanding where your data is, how it's used, and what you need to do about it.

Data Privacy

Improve Your Data Protection Posture

Secure your data to help secure the business

Throughout its lifecycle, your data will live in a multitude of repositories and move through various sources. A business’ data sources no longer lie within the confines of the office or primary workspace, a set of easily controlled devices, or even at a physical data center – organizations increasingly keep high volumes of sensitive, valuable data in the cloud.

As a result, business and IT leaders must consider the security of not just the computing assets but of the data itself.

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