Collaboration Solution Designer

Author(s): Timothy Hickernell, Ben Dickie, Sean Burkett

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The Collaboration Solution Designer allows for up to 25 workgroups to complete a questionnaire examining its collaboration patterns and work habits. Each workgroup will receive a ranked list of the tools it could benefit the most from implementing. The results from all workgroups are aggregated and based on the number of collaborators in each workgroup a weighted average ranked list of tools for the entire organization is provided.

You will be asked to provide specific responses in the following areas:

  • The types of work completed by a work group as well as the workflow, work habits and collaboration patterns demonstrated.
  • Specific problems your workgroups might be facing such as locating subject matter experts, communicating with colleagues, duplication of work, incorrect versioning and overuse of email as a collaboration tool.

This tool helps organizations quickly identify the optimal collaboration tools to implement.

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