CXM Portfolio Designer

Author(s): Ben Dickie, Jessica Jenkins

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The questions in the CXM Portfolio Designer are geared at understanding your needs for marketing, sales, and customer service enablement.

The results are scored and used to suggest a comprehensive solution-level set of enterprise applications for customer experience management (CXM) that can drive your application portfolio and help you make investment decisions in different areas, such as CRM, marketing management, and customer intelligence.

The tool includes the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Customer Experience Management Questionnaire
  • Enterprise-Level Recommendations

Please note: This tool is incompatible with Excel 2007. If you are using Excel 2007, please contact us and an analyst will assist you with generating your results.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Build a Strong Technology Foundation for Customer Experience Management

Design an end-to-end technology strategy to drive sales revenue, enhance marketing effectiveness, and create compelling experiences for your customers.

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