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Deploy AIOps to Improve IT Operations

Transform your organization and revolutionize IT Operations by fostering a data-driven approach.

Your business is tempted to heavily invest in automation to improve IT processes, but has difficulty pinpointing its goals for such investments.

AI-powered solutions are relatively new, and your business may lack the capability to assess requirements, identify use cases, and implement AIOps tools. These shortcomings can create confusion around navigating AIOps solutions, aligning core requirements with offerings, and building a solid AIOps deployment plan.

Inefficient and unclear processes for the automation of IT operations waste money and time and causes stakeholder resistance.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • Rather than merely focusing on IT Operational improvement, set your AIOps objectives in alignment with the organization’s business goals.

Impact and Result

  • Discuss current business and IT automation goals for a better alignment between them and discover use cases to help fulfill them.
  • Clarify core functionalities of automation tools to help you define tooling selection criteria.
  • Identify which functional areas within operations management need to be prioritized for improvement and make a shortlist of use cases that will get the most benefit from AI-based technology.
  • Prepare a plan and action items checklist to deploy AI capabilities to improve your IT operations.

Deploy AIOps to Improve IT Operations Research & Tools

1. Deploy AIOps to Improve IT Operations Deck – This research will help you assess your readiness to deploy AIOps, shortlist use cases for implementation, and build an AIOps proof of concept.

This blueprint walks you through building a strategy for AIOps adoption. Using this research will help you make sure that you are ready enough to deploy AIOps. It guides you through defining use cases and aligning them with your business and IT objectives. As you select the low-hanging fruits you will gain many benefits, which will help you get stakeholder buy-in for other automation use cases.

2. AIOps Maturity Assessment – This tool is designed to identify the gaps in your IT operations to leverage AI.

Use this tool to understand the current- and future-state of AI and data governance, processes and technology, and skill sets to deliver and utilize an AIOps platform for enhancing IT operations.

3. AIOps Use Case Prioritization Matrix – Build a list of use cases and narrow down to those that you are ready to automate and will drive the most values.

Use this tool to build a long list of use cases and narrow down to AIOps use cases that you will implement in your short-term plan.

4. AIOps Requirements Workbook – This spreadsheet will help you formalize AIOps selection and set a starting point for platform evaluation. This spreadsheet will help you formalize AIOps selection and set a starting point for platform evaluation.

Use this spreadsheet to identify detailed features for the defined use cases, prioritize features based on importance and value the capability will provide, and evaluate solutions to narrow down to a list about which you will have deeper discussion.

5. AIOps Checklist – This checklist will remind you about important steps to take for deploying AIOps.

The checklist in this tool identify the most common decisions and preparation you will need to make to support the deployment of an AIOps solution. Use this checklist as a model to follow for any AIOps use cases you plan to implement.

6. AIOps ROI Calculator – The purpose of the AIOps return on Investment (ROI) calculator is to provide organizations with an estimate of the tangible benefits of deploying AIOps.

Use the ROI calculator to compare cost savings and revenue increases due to AIOps implementation, with the costs of technology adoption. This will help you identify the main drivers of the benefits and cost contributions and get management buy-in.

7. AIOps Roadmap Tool – The Roadmap Tool helps track outstanding implementation activities from your AIOps project.

Use the roadmap tool in conjunction with the project blueprint to define AIOps project tasks, their owners, priorities, and timelines.

8. AIOps Stakeholder Buy-In Presentation – This boardroom-ready template helps you summarize your AIOps deployment project.

Follow the guidelines in the blueprint and record activity results in the template. The findings will be presented to the management team.

Member Testimonials

After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve. See our top member experiences for this blueprint and what our clients have to say.




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Deploy AIOps to Improve IT Operations

Deploy AIOps to Improve IT Operations

Transform your organization and revolutionize IT operations by fostering a data-driven approach.


Analyst Perspective

Get ready to embrace automation.

CEOs often find their IT departments very expensive and hesitate to adopt technology into their businesses. Other business leaders cannot keep up with the pace of improving technology, causing them to fall behind the competition. Given the extremely high speed of technology since the emergence of generative AI, business leaders get overwhelmed and, in many cases, confused about what innovative technology they should select to transform their businesses.

On the other side of the coin are IT leaders who want their business leaders' buy-in to technology. The IT leaders want to transition from firefighting mode and become proactive, but increasing end-user expectations and technology troubles prohibit them from implementing AI into their processes. Just like business leaders, they are overwhelmed with multiple use cases, which makes decision-making challenging.

This blueprint will help you determine the feasibility of using AIOps within IT operations, identify use cases that bring huge value to processes, and shortlist those use cases to build a tangible AIOps deployment plan.

Photo of Mahmoud Ramin, PhD, Senior Research Analyst, Infrastructure and Operations, Info-Tech Research Group.

Mahmoud Ramin, PhD
Senior Research Analyst, Infrastructure and Operations
Info-Tech Research Group

Executive Summary

Your Challenge

  • Your business is tempted to invest heavily in automation to improve IT processes but has difficulty pinpointing its goals for such investments.
  • AI-powered solutions are relatively new, and your business may lack the capability to assess requirements, identify use cases, and implement AIOps tools. These shortcomings can create confusion around navigating AIOps solutions, aligning core requirements with offerings, and building a solid AIOps deployment plan.
  • Inefficient and unclear processes for the automation of IT operations waste resources and cause stakeholder resistance.

Common Obstacle

  • Pinpointing specific challenges for AI and automation can be a difficult task.
  • It’s impossible to automate all use cases. They should be prioritized, which requires strategic planning and can be very challenging.
  • Automation and analysis will be pointless without proper data collection processes.
  • AI technology has become a major initiative for organizations, and vendors provide solutions with a multitude of features. The hurdle of determining which automation technology is right for your needs can make it challenging to set a realistic timeline for deployment and improvement.

Info-Tech’s Approach

  • Discuss current business and IT automation goals to better align them and discover use cases to help fulfill them.
  • Clarify core functionalities of automation tools to help you define tool selection criteria.
  • Identify which functional areas within operations management need to be prioritized for improvement and shortlist use cases that will benefit most from AI-based technology.
  • Prepare a plan and checklist of action items to deploy AI capabilities and improve your IT operations.

Info-Tech Insight

Rather than merely focusing on IT operational improvement, align your AIOps objectives with the organization’s business goals.

Effective operations management practices will improve service delivery capabilities and lower IT costs

Effective operations management will help you do the following:

  • Improve IT efficiency

    Effective IT service management (ITSM) develops and uses structured processes for potential automation and increases process consistency across the IT organization, ultimately improving its efficiency.
  • Improve visibility and information sharing within IT

    Good operations management can improve visibility into current performance levels. It can expose weaknesses, help you anticipate potential problems, and help IT prepare to move from a firefighting role to an innovating role. Good operations management also promotes information sharing across different IT functions to enable good decision-making.
  • Create and clarify accountability and responsibility

    Efficient IT operations management sets a clear level of accountability throughout the IT organization and ensures roles and responsibilities for all IT service delivery tasks and processes.
  • Control IT costs

    IT operations management is concerned with delivering promised services as efficiently as possible. Proficient IT operations practices provide insight into current costs across the IT organization and present opportunities for cost savings.
  • Identify opportunities for continuous improvement

    Effective IT operations management helps you conduct better root cause analyses of problems, provide better customer service, and identify opportunities for continuous improvement.

Info-Tech Insight

Since IT leaders are expected to predict disruptions to IT operations, automating those operations would help IT leaders focus on technology strategy, innovation opportunities, and running IT – all at the same time. AIOps capabilities enable businesses to run their operations more intelligently.

What is AIOps?

AI enables machines to simulate human behavior and empowers them to learn through a series of algorithms.

Three circles within each other joined at their tops, the inner circle is 'AIOps', the middle circle is 'ML', and the outer circle is 'AI'.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    A field of computer science that focuses on building systems to imitate human behavior. Not all AI systems have learning behavior; many systems (such as customer service chatbots) operate on preset rules.
  • Machine Learning (ML)

    The AI system is instructed to search for patterns in a dataset and then make predictions based on that set. In this way, the system learns to provide accurate content over time. Supervised intervention is required if the data is inaccurate. Deep learning is self-supervised and does not require intervention.
  • Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps)

    AIOps uses a combination of AI and ML to monitor, analyze, automate, and enhance various aspects of IT operations. AIOps helps IT operations improve their processes, tasks, and decisions by using a high volume of data.

Info-Tech Insight

To get high-quality simulations, provide high-quality data. ML analyzes the data and presents findings to predict and alert your operations of potential issues.

Organizations are enthusiastic about embracing AI and automation, but achieving success proves to be challenging

  • 55% — CIOs Embrace AI

    Fifty-five percent of CIOs are exploring what is possible with AI (Info-Tech, 2023).
  • 35% — AI Dominates 2024

    Thirty-five percent of CIOs plan to invest in AI in 2024, making it the top technology of the year for new spending planned (Info-Tech, 2023).
  • 76% — AI Scaling Struggle

    Among AI-using C-suite executives, 76% face scaling challenges for growth (Accenture, 2019).
  • 75% — Necessity of AI Deployment

    Seventy-five percent of C-suite executives believe they should apply a widespread AI deployment to avoid risking business closure by 2025 (Accenture, 2019).

Automation of IT operations processes is a hot topic

Info-Tech surveyed 218 CIOs on the use cases for AI by end of 2024. Here are the most popular use cases:

  • 69% — Business analytics or intelligence

  • 68% — Repetitive, low-level task automation

  • 66% — Risk identification and security improvement

  • 62% — IT operations

  • 57% — Conversational AI or virtual assistants (VAs)

AI and ML help managers cope with noisy and complex environments

According to a 2019 BigPanda survey, almost half of IT leaders believe that data has become noisier and more complex. That said, IT automation will have a big role in handling IT and business operations. This will enable CXOs to deal with their common challenges.

The Importance of Automation

This graph depicts the percentage of respondents who felt automation was critical in these three areas. (Source: BigPanda, 2019)

What Do Enterprises Want?

  • 89% — Ease of Adoption

  • 81% — Data Scientist Independence

  • 77% — Time to Value

  • (Source: BigPanda, 2019)

Despite its huge benefits, organizations hesitate to adopt AIOps

  1. AI Innovation Confidence

    Low confidence that AI will be helpful and truly reflect innovation.
  2. Implementation Knowledge

    Lack of knowledge about implementing AIOps for high-value data collection.
  3. Internal Expertise

    Lack of technical AIOps expertise causes an added layer of resistance.
  4. Leaders’ Uncertainty

    The scope of AIOps may not be clear to business leaders still exploring how AIOps fits into their business.
  5. Organizational resistance

    AIOps requires extensive training, and employees may fear being replaced by technology.
  6. Lack of success stories

    Some vendors may lack experience and proven track records, making defining successful adoption difficult.

Info-Tech’s approach: Tackle your AIOps initiatives with a promising plan

  • Analyze Your AI Maturity

    Assess whether you are in a state to get the most benefits from an AIOps technology.
  • Define AIOps Opportunities

    Discover use cases and AIOps features to align them with your goals.
  • Design a Shortlist

    Make a list of primary initiatives that will give you the most benefits.
  • Develop a Deployment Plan

    Make a checklist of action items to prepare a pilot deployment.
  • Enhance Capabilities

    Build a roadmap for action items and apply the lessons learned to future automation initiatives.

Deploy AIOps to Improve IT Operations

Transform your organization and revolutionize IT Operations by fostering a data-driven approach.

Rather than merely focusing on IT operational improvement, set your AIOps objectives in alignment with the organization's business goals.

Construct a holistic framework within IT operations to improve workflows, demonstrate improvement to business leads, and get buy-in for further automations.

$26.33 Billion –› $644.96 Billion

The global AIOps market size was $26.33 billion in 2020 and will reach $644.96 billion by 2030. (Allied Market Research, 2021)

The Problem

Despite its huge benefits, enterprises hesitate to implement AIOps due to a lack of solid goals, data quality, and skill set.

The Challenges

  • Technology is evolving at a rapid pace, and IT cannot keep up.
  • AI options are plentiful, and IT leaders do not know which capabilities to adopt.
  • Business leaders want to automate IT processes, but due to lack of AIOps understanding, they hesitate to adopt an AIOps technology.
  • Agents hesitate to build AI around processes, as it makes them concerned about job insecurity.
  • Absence of well-documented foundational requirements increases the complexity of the AIOps deployment process.

The Framework

  1. Assess your AIOps readiness

    • 1.1 – Identify the gap to assess the current state in the following five areas:

      • Governance: AIOps policies, standards, and documentation to minimize risk and maximize benefits
      • Data: Data strategy and management to avoid "garbage in, garbage out"
      • Skills: Job descriptions and competencies to ensure knowledge transfer and enhance deployment
      • Processes: Documented AI processes to streamline use case selection, prioritization, and implementation
      • Tool set: Technology and innovative approaches to build and run AI infrastructure
    • 1.2 – Discover automation use cases

    • Tools, Templates, and Deliverables

      • AIOps Maturity Assessment
      • List of Automation Use Cases
  2. Identify & prioritize valuable use cases

    • 2.1 – Evaluate your AIOps core features with other players in the market and their offerings

    • 2.2 – Align and prioritize AI capabilities using the use case prioritization matrix

      The order displayed in this heat map is for representation purposes only and may be different for different scenarios.
      Heat map matrix for AI capability prioritization. There are three columns of capabilities on a spectrum between 'Prioritize now - Higher Value & Higher Readiness' and 'Prioritize later - Lower Value & Lower Readiness'.
    • 2.3 – Develop skill sets

    • Tools, Templates, and Deliverables

      • Use Case Prioritization Matrix
      • AIOps Requirements Workbook
      • Roles and Responsibilities
  3. Implement & deploy your AIOps solution

    • 3.1 – Plan a pilot deployment

    • 3.2 – Monitor and improve usability

    • 3.3 – Extend and enhance capabilities

    • Tools, Templates, and Deliverables

      • AIOps Checklist
      • Documented KPIs and Metrics
      • AIOps Roadmap

The stakeholder buy-in presentation is developed throughout the process and is the most important deliverable.

Case study

Logo for Transamerica.

INDUSTRY: Financial Services | SOURCE: BMC

Transamerica transformed IT services by adopting AIOps.

Current Situation

  • Transamerica, a renowned insurance provider, sought to enhance ITSM and reduce the number of tickets and problems.
  • With more than 10,000 servers, 1,500 apps, and 15 data centers, the corporation had a sizable and intricate IT infrastructure.
  • The business had to deal with issues like high operational costs, poor efficiency, low customer satisfaction, and lengthy resolution times.


  • The company needed to modernize its ITSM processes and switch to a proactive and anticipatory strategy. It lacked the tools and procedures necessary to track and examine the massive amounts of data produced by its IT systems.
  • It also struggled with siloed teams, manual processes, and inconsistent workflows.
  • The business required a solution to automate ITSM processes, optimize resources, boost performance, and increase security.


  • The company partnered with BMC to leverage its AIOps platform, TrueSight. The platform helped the business transform their ITSM and automate processes throughout IT.
  • IT was able to provide the platform with data from multiple sources such as logs, metrics, events, and tickets. It used AI and ML algorithms to correlate and analyze the data.
  • As a result, IT could automate incident detection, resolution, and prevention. IT could also optimize resources via data-driven analytics and enhance security.

Info-Tech’s approach for deploying AIOps to improve IT operations

Phase 1: Assess the Current State

  • 1.1 Identify the gap
  • 1.2 Discover automation use cases

Phase 2: Lay Out Criteria to Select an AIOps Platform

  • 2.1 Evaluate AIOps core features
  • 2.2 Align and prioritize AI capabilities
  • 2.3 Develop skill set

Phase 3: Build AIOps Proof of Concept

  • 3.1 Plan a pilot deployment
  • 3.2 Monitor and improve usability
  • 3.3 Extend and enhance capabilities
Tools, Templates, and Deliverables Used in the Above Phases
  • AIOps Maturity Assessment
  • List of Automation Use Cases
  • Use Case Prioritization Matrix
  • AIOps Requirements Workbook
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • AIOps Checklist
  • Documented KPIs and Metrics
  • AIOps Roadmap
  • Stakeholder Buy-In Presentation

Blueprint deliverables

Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

Key deliverable:

Stakeholder Buy-In Presentation

Document your strategy using this boardroom-ready template.

Sample of the Stakeholder Buy-In Presentation key deliverable.

AIOps Maturity Assessment

Create an actionable plan for your AIOps project.

Sample of the AIOps Maturity Assessment deliverable.

Use Case Prioritization Matrix

Leverage this tool to produce a shortlist of AIOps processes that will help you the most in reaching your goals.

Sample of the Use Case Prioritization Matrix deliverable.

AIOps Checklist

Build a checklist for the deployment team to ensure that project initiatives are delivered according to the outlined plan.

Sample of the AIOps Checklist deliverable.

Additional deliverables

AIOps Requirements Workbook

Use this document to communicate your AIOps requirements with vendors and compare vendor capabilities.

Sample of the AIOps Requirements Workbook deliverable.

AIOps Roadmap

Leverage this tool to produce a shortlist of AIOps processes that will help you the most in reaching your goals.

Sample of the AIOps Roadmap deliverable.

AIOps ROI Calculator

Estimate the return on investment to determine if the benefits will be worth the cost and effort.

Sample of the AIOps ROI Calculator deliverable.

Insight Summary

Align AIOps with business goals

Rather than merely focusing on IT operational improvement, set your AIOps objectives in alignment with the organization’s business goals.

Assess your readiness to determine the right path

Before implementing any AI solution, assess your readiness. An AIOps platform or any other automation tool may not improve IT processes when your data maturity level, processes, infrastructure, and skill sets are underdeveloped.

Think big, start small

Look at your IT operations holistically when building your strategy, but don’t automate all processes. Start with the use cases that provide affected stakeholders with the real benefits of AI, then expand AI throughout IT.

Take constant action

Many organizations implement AIOps, then sit back and await the benefits. However, AI initiatives require continuous maintenance, accurate tracking, and effective communication with stakeholders to succeed.

Work persistently

IT operations management isn’t a one-time project – it’s an ongoing effort. Assess the efficiency of your processes annually, compare it with the previous year, and enhance the processes that will provide the most benefits to IT and business.

Build a framework to get buy-in

Construct a holistic framework within IT operations to improve workflows and demonstrate its impact to business leaders to get buy-in for further automations.

Blueprint benefits

IT Benefits

  • To implement AI-based solutions, IT needs to be at a certain maturity level. This blueprint will help you determine IT’s readiness before spending time and money to implement a solution.
  • Selecting an AI solution that fulfills prioritized requirements will help IT automate processes to reduce the time spent on repetitive and low-value tasks, freeing up time for IT staff to work on more sophisticated activities.
  • This blueprint will guide IT to define process requirements that fit IT and business goals.

Business Benefits

  • Improving IT operations leads to high-quality and efficient service management that will benefit the whole organization.
  • Automation of IT operations will make staff more productive, reduce costs, provide better resource allocation, align staff with business requirements, and improve business productivity.
  • Automation of tasks will reduce service disruptions, improve timeliness of operations, and ultimately enhance customer satisfaction.
  • This blueprint will help you build a comprehensive list of business requirements that AIOps can fulfill.

Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

DIY Toolkit

Guided Implementation


Executive & Technical Counseling


“Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.” “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.” “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.” “Our team and processes are maturing; however, to expedite the journey we'll need a seasoned practitioner to coach and validate approaches, deliverables, and opportunities.” “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all five options.

Guided Implementation

A guided implementation (GI) is series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

A typical GI is six to seven calls over the course of three to four months.

What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Call #1: Scope requirements, objectives, pain points, and AI readiness assessment.

Call #2: Review use cases and evaluate AIOps core capabilities.

Call #3: Prioritize use cases and assess skill gaps for undertaking the initiatives.

Call #4: Develop a checklist for pilot deployment.

Call #5: Define project metrics to monitor usability.

Call #6: Build an implementation roadmap and a finalize your stakeholder presentation.

Transform your organization and revolutionize IT Operations by fostering a data-driven approach.

About Info-Tech

Info-Tech Research Group is the world’s fastest-growing information technology research and advisory company, proudly serving over 30,000 IT professionals.

We produce unbiased and highly relevant research to help CIOs and IT leaders make strategic, timely, and well-informed decisions. We partner closely with IT teams to provide everything they need, from actionable tools to analyst guidance, ensuring they deliver measurable results for their organizations.

What Is a Blueprint?

A blueprint is designed to be a roadmap, containing a methodology and the tools and templates you need to solve your IT problems.

Each blueprint can be accompanied by a Guided Implementation that provides you access to our world-class analysts to help you get through the project.


Need Extra Help?
Speak With An Analyst

Get the help you need in this 3-phase advisory process. You'll receive 6 touchpoints with our researchers, all included in your membership.

Guided Implementation 1: Assess the Current State
  • Call 1: Scope requirements, objectives, pain points, and AI readiness assessment.
  • Call 2: Review use cases and evaluate AIOps core capabilities.

Guided Implementation 2: Lay Out Criteria to Select an AIOps Platform
  • Call 1: Prioritize use cases and assess skill gaps for undertaking the initiatives.
  • Call 2: Develop a checklist for pilot deployment.

Guided Implementation 3: Build AIOps Proof of Concept
  • Call 1: Define project metrics to monitor usability.
  • Call 2: Build an implementation roadmap and a finalize your stakeholder presentation.


Mahmoud Ramin


  • Himadri Das, Head of Automation, TietoEVRY
  • Angel Berniz, Author, AIOps Checklist for Consulting and Projects
  • Blair Sibille, Field CTO, BigPanda

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