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Structure the Role of the DBA

DBAs work for the data, not the organization-- implement processes to help create a mature DBA structure.

  • The traditional role of Database Administrators (DBAs) is shifting due to a variety of changes such as cloud databases, increased automation, close relations with development, and the need for more integration with the business at large. All this means that organizations will have to adapt to integrate a new type of DBA into IT.
  • Organizations often have difficulty establishing a refined and effective DBA structure based on repeatable and well-grounded processes.
  • The relationship between DBAs and the rest of IT (especially development) can often be problematic due to a lack of mutual co-operation and clear communication.
  • There is often confusion in organizations as how to approach staffing DBAs.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • An organization’s relative focus on operations or development is essential in determining many DBA related decisions. This focus can determine what kinds of DBAs to hire, what staffing ratios to use, the viability of outsourcing, and the appropriate reporting structure for DBAs.
  • Utilizing technological strategies such as database automation, effective auditing, and database consolidation to bolster the DBA team helps make efficient use of DBA staff and can turn a reactive environment into a proactive one.
  • Ensuring refined and regularly assessed processes are in place for change and incident management is essential for maintaining effective and structured database administration.

Impact and Result

  • Right-size, support, and structure your DBA team for increased cost effectiveness and optimal productivity.
  • Develop a superior level of co-operation between DBAs and the rest of IT as well as the business at large.
  • Build an environment in which DBAs will be motivated and flourish.

Structure the Role of the DBA Research & Tools

1. Understand how Database Administrators are evolving

Develop an effective structure for managing and supporting Database Administrators.

2. Create the right Database Administrator roles to meet organizational needs

Build a team that is relevant to the focus of the organization.

Structure the Role of the DBA preview picture

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Darin Stahl

Jenna Maertz


  • Mullins Consulting, Inc.
  • Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc.
  • Mackie Group
  • Medavie Blue Cross
  • 1 other organization contributed information to assist with the development of this solution set. Due to the sensitivity of the information, this contributor requested confidentiality
  • 82 professionals contributed information that assisted with the development of this solution set
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