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CASB Vendors Up Their Threat Protection Game With Big-Name Threat Intelligence Collaborations

Cloud access security broker (CASB) vendors CipherCloud and Bitglass have both recently announced partnerships with big-name cyber threat intelligence (CTI) providers to improve the threat protection features of their products. The partnerships, with FireEye and CrowdStrike respectively, will bring industrial strength CTI to their customers.

The promise of cloud-based threat protection is real-time detection and prevention of zero-day attacks. It relies on the ability of the service provider to quickly identify threats across a large customer base and make that intelligence instantly available to all other customers. Larger vendors such as Cisco and McAfee traditionally have had an advantage over smaller and more pure-play vendors in this field. However, CipherCloud’s partnership with FireEye and Bitglass’ collaboration with CrowdStrike may help level the playing field.

“Through this collaboration, our joint customers can extend in real-time the world’s leading threat detection solution to all cloud and SaaS services via the industry’s highest ranked CASB+ platform,” says Pravin Kothari, CEO, CipherCloud.

Source: CipherCloud at SoftwareReviews, Report Published May 2020

Anurag Kahol, chief technology officer and cofounder of Bitglass, says, “We’re proud to leverage CrowdStrike’s industry-leading technology to deliver a robust cloud ATP solution that stops threats and empowers enterprises to embrace the cloud applications and BYOD policies that spur innovation and productivity.”

Source: Bitglass at SoftwareReviews, Report Published May 2020

These announcements will certainly be welcomed by existing CipherCloud and Bitglass customers and may help drive higher market share.

Source: Cloud Access Security Brokers at SoftwareReviews, Report Published May 2020

Our Take

Threat protection may not always be the primary use case for companies considering a CASB solution, but it is a valuable feature. When it comes to pure-play CASB vendors, customers are often left wondering how their vendors can obtain the high-quality threat intelligence needed to provide the necessary level of protection. With these announcements, CipherCloud and Bitglass offer up a strong answer to this question.

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