Tagged - intellectual property

Industry Maturity Readiness Check Tool

A tool to help you assess your readiness to adopt Industry 4.0 and 5.0 technologies.

Transform Manufacturing by Mitigating Challenges of Industry 4.0 and 5.0 Storyboard

This research explores the unique roadblocks and challenges that prevent manufacturers from adopting Industry 4.0 and 5.0 technologies. This research contains a deep dive...

Transform Manufacturing by Mitigating the Challenges of Industry 4.0 and 5.0

The shift to Industry 4.0 and 5.0 poses unique challenges, from technological adoption and workforce adaptation to ethical considerations and sustainability goals....

Discover and Classify Your Data – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why data classification is an initiative for the entire organization and how this blueprint can help simplify the process.

Internet Acceptable Use Policy

Internet usage is both a necessary tool and a potential distraction and security risk. With capabilities of the Internet and users advancing daily, it is important for...

PTC Takes a Radical Stance on Security for PLM and IoT

PTC, a major player in the PLM marketplace, announced a renewed focus on security to encourage users to adopt its cloud computing and internet of things platform.

Car Wars

What do you get when one new product category not only represents a gigantic global market, but also includes virtually all of the most important new technologies coming...

A Look Down Under (China)

This week's issue is a mirror of last week's adventures: two countries, two subjects, two stories. The first story explores Australia’s business and innovation, and the...

What Is XXVI (Alphabet) (Google)?

The technology world has become terribly warped since modern China showed up for the dance, and very few companies have retained their culture, their missions, or, more...

Redefining Country GDP: National Business Models and IP Flows

In this week's transcript, members will be treated to the results of a truly impressive collaboration between Bill Ribaudo and his team of professionals at Deloitte, and...
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