Tagged - intellectual property

Protecting Your IP Flows: A FiRe 2016 Panel

So China is stealing intellectual property with impunity. They take inventing countries' IP - they do it with impunity, there are no laws that reach to them, there's no...

China's Economic Collapse

We first warned our members of the China Collapse on May 28, 2015. We expanded the warning just a few days before the Chinese equity markets went into free fall. On Sept....

Employee Agreement

An Employment Agreement is the most important document that a new employee will ever sign for your organization. In essence, it defines the full legal rights and...

Security, Risk, and Software

The reason I'm here this morning is to talk to you mostly about intellectual property protection: how it might apply to you in your own work, and maybe some views of it...

Special Alert: The US Moves Against Crown Jewel IP Thieves

Since we first identified the issue of state-sponsored theft of crown jewel IP as a threat to inventing companies, countries, and the global economy, we have been working...

Special Letter: Solving the IP Crisis and Enabling Global Economic Growth

I think this issue, and the IP Commission Report behind it, should be required reading for every CEO whose company depends upon technological advance.

The Big Shift

The world economy, based in the post-Information Age on invention, is moving to models based on copying and theft. This is happening not in single product lines or...

Behind the Snowden Patterns

Here are the major patterns involved in the stories regarding leaks by Booz Allen Hamilton contractor Edward Snowden, now residing in Hong Kong. I will say at the...

Inside FiRe

Whether your interest is in chips, software, massive data, analytics, data visualization, cloud computing, security, IP theft and protection, technology markets,...

What Mandiant Brings

Last week, while our team was meeting with the top intelligence and cyber officials of the UK, the Mandiant Corporation released a report that changed the global balance...
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