CIO - Storyboard

Create a Holistic IT Dashboard – Phase 1: Choose the KPIs

This phase of the Create a Holistic IT Dashboard blueprint will help you identify common IT KPIs that match your organizational goals.

Create a Holistic IT Dashboard – Phase 2: Build the Dashboard

This phase of the Create a Holistic IT Dashboard blueprint will help you configure the IT Management Dashboard tool available on the Info-Tech website.

Create a Holistic IT Dashboard – Phase 3: Build the Action Plan

This phase of the Create a Holistic IT Dashboard blueprint will help you create an action plan based on your KPI review to improve performance.

Build a Platform-Based Organization Storyboard

Large organizations end up creating bureaucracies, which slow down the pace of innovation. An antidote to bureaucracy is a platform structure: small, autonomous teams,...

Tech Trend Update: If Contact Tracing Then Distributed Trust Storyboard

The concept of distributed trust in technology design has become even more important as mobile contact tracing apps emerge as a tool to help fight COVID-19.

Evolve Your Business Through Innovation Storyboard

While the impacts are still highly uncertain, there are tactics that innovation teams can be pursuing to help their organizations through this period and into a more...

Stabilize Release and Deployment Management – Phases 1-4

Organizations are struggling to keep current with the constant release of new deployments, patches, and updates. Use this blueprint to help you assess gaps in your...

Manage Poor Performance While Working From Home Storyboard

Support managers to address poor performance with remote employees while emergency work-from-home (WFH) measures are in place.

AI and the Future of Enterprise Productivity Trend Report

This report outlines six emerging ways AI is being used in the enterprise, with four future scenarios outlining their possible trajectories. These are designed to guide...

Maintain Employee Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic Storyboard

Employee engagement is most at risk during times of uncertainty. It's crucial for HR and non-HR leaders to focus on adapting efforts to support workplace changes....
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