Data continues to grow at an exponential rate, and your current storage solutions will not meet all your future needs. Info-Tech’s methodology for storage modernization...
Review your software contracts to leverage your unique position during negotiations and find substantial cost savings.
Review your SaaS contracts to leverage your unique position during negotiations and find substantial cost savings.
Organizations are losing productivity from managing the limitations of yesterday’s technology. The business is changing and the current communications solution no longer...
Though the benefits are widely understood, many organizations don't have SOPs and those that do don't maintain them. Adopt an approach to drive process improvement,...
Software licensing audits can cause significant business disruption and failure to be in compliance will result in punitive fines. Build a strategy for the moment a...
Effective data center consolidation projects can provide a wide range of cost and efficiency improvements. However, benefits are by no means guaranteed. Organizations...
Most organizations are good at procuring IT products, but few are truly good at acquiring infrastructure services. According to an Info-Tech survey, approximately 42% of...
The business is rarely satisfied with current service levels. However this dissatisfaction is often based on perception. Without an internal SLA that effectively tracks...
This project outlines how to successfully implement desktop virtualization, migrating some or all of your workforce from fat clients to remote access desktops, to give...