Standardize the Service Desk – Phases 1-5

A step-by-step document that helps you improve customer service and meet SLAs by driving consistency in your support approach.

Maintain Continuity in a Power Outage Storyboard

A guide to help you focus on honing the organization’s ability to respond to, and maintain continuity during, a power outage.

BCM Software Selection Guide

Understand what you get in a business continuity management software solution and review trends and leading vendors.

Build a Service Desk Consolidation Strategy – Phases 1-3

Use this storyboard to understand why and how to design a strategy to consolidate multiple service desks into one.

Build Better Workflows Storyboard

Use this activity to convene a flowchart improvement working group. It uses onboarding as an example.

Take a Realistic Approach to Disaster Recovery Testing Storyboard

Establish a right-sized and realistic approach to DR testing that delivers durable value to your organization.

Design a VIP Experience for Your Service Desk Storyboard

Design a VIP support model for the service desk that meets the needs of your executives but doesn’t negatively impact service delivery to the rest of the organization by...

Reduce Shadow IT With a Service Request Catalog Storyboard

Use this blueprint to create a service request management program that provides immediate value. The template includes the following sections: - Design the Service -...

Mitigate the Risk of Cloud Downtime and Data Loss Storyboard

Adapt how you approach downtime and data loss risk, particularly for SaaS solutions. No control over the software does not mean no resilience.

Transition Projects Over to the Service Desk Storyboard

This storyboard will help build a strategy to shift service support from the project team to the service desk, resulting in customer service and agent satisfaction...
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