Use this cheat sheet in conjunction with the Customer Service Training for the Service Desk training deck to review the key points covered in the training on listening...
Use this cheat sheet in conjunction with the Customer Service Training for the Service Desk training deck to review the key points covered in the training on...
Use this worksheet in conjunction with the Customer Service Training for the Service Desk training deck. Review the definition and proficiency levels of the customer...
This template is designed to help service managers kick-start the standardization of service desk processes.
The service desk will function more efficiently when agents know their roles and responsibilities and they are communicated with stakeholders.
An accurate and comprehensive record of the incident management process, including a description of the incident, any workarounds identified, the root cause (if...
Non-IT stakeholders interested in participating in an extension of the service desk will turn to IT for guidance.
Document cost factors by cloud service.
Document your process for right-sizing.
Document owners, timelines, and next steps to improve your cloud cost management capabilities.