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Ransomware Response Runbook Template

Use this example as a starting point to document detailed ransomware response steps, from detection to recovery.

Ransomware Response Workflow Template

This template provides a visual at-a-glance summary of the key steps and stakeholders in a sample ransomware incident response.

Ransomware Threat Preparedness Workbook

Use this threat preparedness workbook to evaluate the threats and tactics in the ransomware kill chain using the MITRE framework and device-appropriate countermeasures.

IT Organizational Redesign Pulse Survey Template

Use this template as a guide when surveying employees during the transition state of IT organizational redesign.

Adopt Change Management Practices and Succeed at IT Organizational Redesign

The research set is intended to help organizations successfully implement their new IT organizational structure. As the organization moves from its current structure to...

The Future of K-12 Education Trends Report

Read our trends report to understand the changing IT landscape in K-12 education and discover what technology needs to be budgeted and met by CIOs.

The Future of K-12 Education

In K-12 schools and districts, technology has traditionally been seen as secondary to the primary focus of education. This is a challenge for IT departments because they...

Wholesale Industry Business Reference Architecture

An industry business reference architecture includes tools, templates, and authenticated views of wholesale distribution leadership to accelerate the strategy design...
  • guided implementation icon

Top 10 Predictions for 2023

This year, Mark Anderson has outlined several predictions in each of the economic, technological, and country landscapes upon which the Top 10 Predictions are based. As...

Threat Landscape Briefing – December 2022

This monthly recording covers topics such as cyber threat and regulatory trends, nation states, cyber criminals, hacktivists campaigns, data breaches, control strategies...
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