Project & Portfolio Management

Project Portfolio Management Maturity Assessment Workbook

Use this tool to assess gaps in the PMO's current portfolio management processes.

Organizational Change Management Maturity Assessment Workbook

Use this tool to assess gaps in the PMO's current organizational change management processes.

PMO Strategic Expectations Glossary

Use this template as a glossary of strategic terms and actions to help translate raw stakeholder process and service requirements into a strategic course of action...

Set a Strategic Course of Action for the PMO in 100 Days – Phase 4: Formalize the PMO's Mandate

Capitalize on your window of influence in your first 100 days to get stakeholders on board and aligned. Use this phase to help communicate the value of your PMO to the...

PMO Mandate and Strategy Roadmap Template

Use this template to communicate your PMO's course of action to stakeholders and senior executives with the goal of demonstrating value and achieving buy-in.

PMO Director Peer Feedback Evaluation Template

Use this template towards the end of your first 100 days as PMO Director to help elicit stakeholder feedback concerning your leadership thus far.

PMO Director First 100 Days Self-Assessment Tool

Use this self-assessment tool to track your performance as new PMO Director at 30, 60, and 90 days.

Fund Innovation with a Minimum Viable Business Case

Most IT projects are not delivering on their expected value because the costs and benefits of technology solutions are often difficult to predict. The CIO needs a...
  • guided implementation icon

Fund Innovation with a Minimum Viable Business Case – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why full business cases are for scaling, not for starting.

Fund Innovation with a Minimum Viable Business Case – Phases 1-4

This storyboard will help you build the case to get started on your innovative business idea or IT project.
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