Project & Portfolio Management

Project Management Training Monitoring Tool

Use this tool to help you keep track of training progress leading up to, during, and after the rollout of your new project management processes.

Project Management Process Implementation Timeline Tool

Use this tool to plan and manage the timeline for the rollout of your new project management processes.

Rebalance Project Intake for Small Enterprise

Successful project intake doesn't require additional time, administrative overhead, or high PPM maturity. Build intake discipline one step at a time by adopting a...
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Business Process Improvement Workbook

Use this template to document and collect the data outputs from the Create a Winning BPI Playbook blueprint.

Create a Winning BPI Playbook – Phase 3: Analyze

This phase of the blueprint will assist in analyzing the current-state diagram that was constructed in the previous phase.

Create a Winning BPI Playbook – Phase 4: Design

This phase of the blueprint involves creating a design for process improvements which are drawn directly from the conclusions in Phase 3.

Create a Winning BPI Playbook – Phase 5: Implement

This phase of the blueprint will define the future-state process map and build an implementation plan that includes direction for monitoring the changes made to the...

Prepare to Successfully Deploy PPM Software

This project blueprint will help you prepare to successfully deploy a new PPM suite at your organization that can be sustainably adopted in the long term. It sets you up...
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Prepare to Successfully Deploy PPM Software – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why preparing for PPM deployment will ensure that you get the most value out of the professional services you have purchased for...

Prepare to Successfully Deploy PPM Software – Phases 1-4

This storyboard will help you prepare for the successful deployment of a new PPM suite at your organization. By carefully preparing relevant PPM data and fully defining...
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