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Build Your Exponential IT Product Practice

Build an actionable product practice roadmap that drives enterprise results.

Exponential technologies such as generative AI have changed the way organizations should operate and deliver value. IT must change its traditional product delivery practices to meet the exceptional demands and risks at its doorstep. Our step-by-step methodology helps product teams adapt to deliver exponential technology products that unlock organizational outcomes while engaging stakeholders effectively along the way.

Organizations have adapted well to new technologies in the past, but the pace is now different. The uptake and demands from the organization are fast and unprecedented, and product teams need to be at the forefront. They must transition from the role of trusted operator to organizational leader, helping organizations adapt and innovate with exponential technologies.

1. Stop delivering applications and start delivering capabilities.

Focus on the problems you want solved and the outcomes you want to achieve as an organization. Product delivery isn’t about delivering applications; it’s about delivering capabilities that drive valuable outcomes – whether it’s through a single application or a collection of applications.

2. The technology will keep changing. Focus on the skills and competencies that matter.

Exponential technologies are changing fast, so it’s important you build technology-agnostic product delivery teams. Strengthen your team’s collaborative and relationship-building skills, product-centric thinking, and flexible, automated, and intelligent product delivery capabilities that are applicable to any technology.

3. Build adaptability and agility into your system.

Exponential technologies are fast-changing and demand that product teams deliver solutions using advanced and collaborative methods. Build a secured technology ecosystem that enables continuous change and modernization.

Use our step-by-step guidance to adapt your product practice for exponential technologies

Product teams need to build guiding principles and get ready to deliver exponential technologies that unlock organizational value. Our research tools and templates will help you:

  • Set realistic and achievable goals for your Exponential IT products so they drive organizational value and align to key priorities.
  • Determine your readiness to embrace Exponential IT by evaluating the state of your delivery capabilities and your product’s alignment to key quality and architecture attributes.
  • Communicate your strategy by laying out your approach to transform your product organization with practical and reasonable initiatives.

Build Your Exponential IT Product Practice Research & Tools

1. Exponential IT Product Practice Deck – A step-by-step document that walks you through aligning your product delivery capabilities and portfolio to enable Exponential IT.

This blueprint helps you:

  • State your product practice goals
  • Assess your product delivery capabilities
  • Assess your product portfolio
  • Build a roadmap for a product practice strategy to fulfill your Exponential IT expectations

2. Exponential IT Product Practice Strategy Template – A template to help you build a clear and compelling strategy document for your product practice stakeholders.

Document your Exponential IT product practice strategy in the language your stakeholders understand. Tailor this document to fit your product practice objectives and initiatives.

3. Exponential IT Product Practice Current State Assessment Tool – A tool to help gauge your practice’s readiness and ableness to adopt Exponential IT.

Evaluate the current state of your product practice vision, product delivery capabilities and alignment of your portfolio to key principles and attributes to determine its fit to support Exponential IT.

5. Build Your Exponential IT Product Practice Deck – Learn how to design and implement an actionable product practice roadmap that drives enterprise results.

Your product practice can help your organization keep pace with this age of rapid technological change. With the right approach, specific practices ranging from product ownership through solution delivery can drive your product and applications teams to success in an Exponential IT future.

Learn more in this Info-Tech LIVE 2024 presentation.

Workshop: Build Your Exponential IT Product Practice

Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: State Your Product Practice Goals

The Purpose

  • Define achievable and reasonable objectives for your Exponential IT product practice
  • Identify the bound and constraints that may restrict your Exponential IT journey

Key Benefits Achieved

  • List of Exponential IT product practice objectives aligned to strategic priorities
  • Guiding principles that reflect the role and behaviors the team wants to be
  • Risks, changes and policies that will define the aggressiveness and scope Exponential IT




State Your Objectives and Metrics

  • Exponential IT product objectives and metrics

List Your Guiding Principles

  • Guiding principles that illustrate the behaviors and mindset of the product practice with Exponential IT

List Your Risks and Policies

  • Risk and change profiles and list of relevant policies

Module 2: Assess Your Product Delivery Capabilities

The Purpose

  • Evaluate the current state of your product practice and its fit to support Exponential IT

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Broad current state assessment of your product delivery capabilities and identification of optimization opportunities




Assess Your Product Delivery Capabilities

  • Current state assessment of your product delivery capabilities to meet Exponential IT priorities
  • Brainstormed solution to address capability gaps

Module 3: Assess Your Product Portfolio

The Purpose

  • Evaluate the current state of your product portfolio and its fit to support exponential technologies

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Broad current state assessment of your product portfolio and identification of optimization opportunities




Assess Your Product Portfolio

  • Current state assessment of your product portfolio to meet Exponential IT priorities
  • Brainstormed solution to address product portfolio gaps

Module 4: Roadmap Your Initiatives

The Purpose

  • Roadmap your initiatives to achieve your Exponential IT product practice target state
  • Recognize the risks that may derail your Exponential IT initiatives

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An achievable roadmap of initiatives to optimize your product delivery capabilities and portfolio
  • Discussing and addressing the risks to your Exponential IT initiatives




Roadmap Your Initiatives

  • List of Exponential IT product practice initiatives and roadmap

Assess and Mitigate Your Initiative Risks

  • Initiative risk assessment

Complete Your Exponential IT Product Practice Strategy

  • Next steps to complete your Exponential IT product practice strategy

Introduction: What is Exponential IT?

  • The technology curve has recently bent exponentially.
  • Generative AI has been the catalyst for this sudden shift, but there are more and more new technologies emerging (e.g. quantum computing, 5G), putting significant pressure on all organizations.
  • All IT leaders and organizations are at risk of falling behind if they do not adopt new technologies fast enough.
  • Exponential IT is a framework defined by Info-Tech Research Group to instruct IT leaders across all IT domains on how to transform their organization and elevate their value creation capabilities, to close the gap between the exponential progression of technological change and the linear progression of IT’s ability to successfully manage that change.
  • This blueprint provides guidance on developing an Exponential IT product practice strategy tailored to the practices and portfolio you need to achieve the value outcomes you want to pursue.

A lot has changed in product delivery within a short period of time

  • GPT accelerates

    ChatGPT launched in November 2022 and became the tech with the fastest adoption in history (up to that point). (Reuters)
  • Automation is a top priority

    88% of respondents are currently piloting or using advanced automation solutions like low- and no-code or AI-based automation frameworks (n=315). (Sogeti)
  • Large AI investments

    88% of CIOs have at least begun exploring what is possible with AI in 2024 (n=240). (Info-Tech Research Group)
  • AI is the way of working

    92% of US-based programmers were reported as using AI coding tools both in and outside of work (n=500). (GitHub)

…product leaders need to know how to keep their products and practice relevant while maximizing opportunities and minimizing threats posed by exponentially emerging and maturing technologies.

Modern technologies are different from innovations in the past

The pace of technology change will continue to increase exponentially.

Triggered by advances in technology, significant global, social, and marketplace shifts pushed industries to transform how humans work and how organizations adapt. Mechanized farming in the form of wheeled tractors, industrial revolution, personal computers, and smart phones are just a few examples that shook the industry. While these past events serve as good reference points, the behavior and market of modern technology is different.

The difference is speed. Modern technologies, like AI, matures and grows exponentially faster than advancements in the past, and organizations do not have the luxury of time like they once had. Traditional product delivery practices and legacy technologies that served well before are no longer viable to sustain this accelerated pace of change and maintain IT’s role as technology leader. The chasm between the organization’s desire for harnessing technology and IT’s ability to deliver it will continue to widen.

Product teams must solve the problem of rapidly and exponentially increasing and evolving expectations and technologies.

Stakeholders Expect More From Your Product Practice

Your product practice needs to continue to support and enable its organization by fundamentally transforming the way it is operating in the following ways:

  • Build an Adaptive Delivery Model: Enable more flexible and efficient delivery of products and services.
  • Optimize & Autonomize Operations: Maximize efficiency while mitigating risks through intelligent automation and data-driven decision-making.
  • Broker Strategic Relationships: Strengthen and build both external and internal relationships to better align IT capabilities to organizational goals.
  • Embrace Digital Innovation: Evaluate and adopt solutions that drive consumer value, enterprise growth, and innovation.
  • Cultivate Workforce Flexibility: Dismantle traditional jobs and hierarchies, normalize new collaborative ways of working, and adopt a federated and hybrid IT operating model.

To learn more, visit Info-Tech’s Develop an Exponential IT Roadmap.

Exponential IT involves a shift in the role product teams play

Exponential technologies enable greater empowerment, sophistication and intelligent capabilities in how the organization operates. Seeing the full benefit of these new capabilities requires your product practice to transform in the way it operates and thinks about technology.

Your Exponential IT product teams must be:

  • Technology Thought Leaders and Innovators: Educate the organization of and experiment with leading edge technologies that drive measurable business value.
  • Technology Enablers and Operators: Reliably and continuously empower, monitor, rationalize and maintain platforms, tools, and partners.
  • Advisors, Mentors, and Coaches: Guide the successful adoption of technologies with good practices, principles, empathy, and trust.
  • Change Delivery Collaborator: Facilitate sustainable and acceptable organizational changes with effective collaboration.
  • Quality Champion: Coordinate and align product delivery to a common interpretation of quality and business value.

However, product teams struggle to play the role organizations expect them to

IT does not have the capacity to accommodate operational changes.

Organizations are not satisfied with their ability to obtain sufficient IT capacity to complete projects. The mean satisfaction score among respondents is 69%. (Source: CIO Business Vision, November 2022 to October 2023; n=355)

IT is getting better, but there is still room for improvement.

Respondents had a mean satisfaction score of 77% for IT’s ability to deliver effective work orders, and 73% for IT’s ability to deliver effective projects. (Source: CIO Business Vision, November 2022 to October 2023; n=355)

Many factors stand in the way of the team being successful

More is expected of your product teams because of exponential technologies and the organization’s growing reliance on applications, data, and other technologies. Stakeholders must invest in the alleviation of these delivery and management challenges to effectively deliver their priorities.


  1. Attracting and retaining talent and leadership
  2. Relying on legacy solutions
  3. Resisting organizational change
  4. Competing and conflicting strategic priorities
  5. Being department focused, not value focused
  6. Optimizing ill-equipped and unsupported teams

Visit Info-Tech’s Applications Priorities Report 2024 for more information on challenges teams are experiencing.

CIOs agree that at least some improvement is needed across key IT activities

(Source: CEO-CIO Alignment Diagnostics, November 2022 to October 2023, n=115)

Capture your Exponential IT journey with a strategy

Product must work with the business even if this relationship was strained or unimportant in the past. This collaboration helps your teams know what information they need from the business to successfully execute on its initiatives. Product leaders can then adopt the practices to better support the business’ strategic initiatives and significantly improve enterprise productivity and value with Exponential IT. An Exponential IT product practice strategy is an effective way to communicate your approach.

What makes a good strategy?

  1. Incremental Value Delivery – You can generate and share measurable results throughout the Exponential IT journey. Value is not just created for the organization, but for individuals too.
  2. Adaptable – You can review progress and revise priorities as conditions and needs change.
  3. Achievable – Your product teams can execute the strategy and gain the expected outcomes.
  4. Communication – You can communicate progress and achievements that reflect individual and team needs, not just for the company and its financials.

What Is an Exponential IT Product Practice Strategy?

  • Looks for ways to transform the business and how your product teams delivers value with Exponential IT by identifying what technologies to embrace, what capabilities to optimize and automate, and what products and services to enhance.
  • Unifies innovation and productivity possibilities with your desired end user, employee, and customer and brand experiences.
  • Level sets achievable expectations by ensuring accountability lies with executive leadership and by consulting IT and business subject matter experts.
  • Involves cross-functional participation from senior management from the different areas of the organization, including IT management and business representatives to gather strategic input.

Be an organizational leader with Exponential IT

Being a trusted operator is not enough to address the challenges and needs of modern IT environments. Product teams must be capable, enabled, and empowered to focus on business and technology innovation, unified digital experience, business alignment and engagement, and strategic planning to lead the organization with exponential technologies.

Illustrated column headers for the list items below. There is a star over 'Trusted Operator' labelled 'Starting Point'.

  • Firefighter

    Product teams are effective in responding to and resolving urgent and critical incidents and issues that threaten the stability, security, and functionality of the organization.
  • Trusted Operator

    Product teams are trusted by stakeholders to effectively deliver, operate, manage, and maintain critical products and services and ensure they are aligned to business priorities and driving efficiencies.
  • Organizational Partner

    Product teams enable the transformation of business and service models and the creation of value through multiple digital channels.
  • Organizational Leader

    Product teams accelerate value creation by embracing exponential technologies.

Start by being a trusted operator with strong product practice foundations

Cycle with icon and numbers corresponding to the list items below.

  1. IT & Applications Strategy

    Your strategy details the direction, activities, and tactics for delivering on the promise of your product and solution portfolio.Visit Info-Tech’s Build an Application Department Strategy blueprint.
  2. Sustainable Solution Delivery Practice

    Your solution delivery practice is the framework that holds your entire product lifecycle together into loops of continuous improvement. It allows your teams to optimize how they complete the phases and steps.Visit Info-Tech’s Evolve Your Software Development Lifecycle Into a Solution Delivery Lifecycle blueprint.
  3. Solution Portfolio Management

    Solution portfolio management involves providing visibility into solutions across the organization, recommending corrections or enhancements to decision-makers, aligning delivery teams on business priorities, and showcasing the direction of solutions to stakeholders. Visit Info-Tech’s Rationalize Your Application Portfolio blueprint.

Then, become an organizational partner by extending your foundations with key enablers

  • Practice Vision
    What do we want to achieve with Exponential IT?

    Illustrate the high priority outcomes, goals, drivers, and constraints of your product practice and align them to your strategic Exponential IT priorities with:
    • An Exponential IT roadmap
    • Executive leadership and support
    • Business value drivers, objectives, and metrics
    • Regulatory and industry standards
    • Guiding principles
    • Risk and change profile
  • Product Delivery
    How do we distribute Exponential IT products?

    Extend and scale your product delivery function to accommodate and exploit continuous change from Exponential IT with these capabilities:
    • Product management
    • Multisource ecosystem
    • Change and risk management
    • Business relationship management
    • Business process management and automation
    • Intelligent, iterative, and collaborative solution delivery
  • Product Portfolio
    What is the composition of my Exponential IT portfolio?

    Adopt a principle-based approach to the structure, composition, and design of your product portfolio by ensuring each product has and aligns to:
    • Product vision, roadmap, and ownership
    • Architecture principles
    • Quality standards
    • Digital experience

Be an organizational leader who innovates with exponential technologies

  1. Deliver autonomously

    AI and ML become the rule, not the exception. IT manages a portfolio that is delivered via embedded and ubiquitous AI/ML functionality.
  2. Creators, not coders

    Deliver organizational outcomes via natural language. IT embraces “platform as a product,” which uses natural language and low-code/no-code to enable AI/ML-driven capabilities and solutions.
  3. IT as stakeholders, not order takers

    Embrace and evolve business relationship management (BRM) practices to elevate IT’s place at the table and become a true business partner. While IT will take on a different form, there will still be accountability for the technology that helps drive business capabilities. BRM practices will need to evolve and adapt in kind.

Deliver Capabilities, Not Applications

Visit Info-Tech’s Exponential IT for Applications blueprint.

Insight summary

Overarching insight

Much of the skills, processes, and technologies you put into place now are designed to solve current problems, not future ones. Apply your focus to the capabilities and technologies that embrace the Exponential IT future. In this future, product teams deliver solutions using intelligent and collaborative methods within a securely architected and adaptable ecosystem where continuous modernization is coupled with fluid partnerships.

Phase 1 insight

Your organization must be organized to continuously and immediately pivot, consuming and reflecting the shifts and transformations in the industry. Position your product practice and portfolio as organic where your technologies, processes, and resources are thoughtfully selected to embrace, not restrict, change. Focus on the problems you want to solve, outcomes you want to achieve, and the organization you want to be.

Phase 2 insight

Modern technologies are integral to business value delivery, but they will not retain their worth. They need to be delivered with the expectation that they can be replaced tomorrow. Build technology-agnostic product delivery teams. Strengthen your team’s collaborative and relationship-building skills, product-centric thinking, and flexible, automated, and intelligent delivery capabilities that are applicable to any exponential technologies.

Phase 3 insight

Sustainable and manageable exponential growth is more about guiding technology decisions than standardizing technologies. Adopt a principle-based approach to the building, rationalization, and management of your product portfolio. Prioritize the quality attributes and architecture principles that enable, empower and ease the implementation of change and take full advantage of exponential technologies like cloud and AI.

Phase 4 insight

Exponential IT motivates the iterative and continuous implementation and modernization of business tools and capabilities using early investments as foundations. Optimize your product practice and portfolio with the future in mind. Use the improvements and lessons learned from your successful implementation of Exponential IT to establish building blocks for scaling.

Info-Tech’s methodology for building your Exponential IT product practice

1. State Your Product Practice Goals

2. Assess Your Product Delivery Capabilities

3. Assess Your Product Portfolio

4. Roadmap Your Initiatives

Phase Steps

  1. 1.1 State Your Objectives and Metrics
  2. 1.2 List Your Guiding Principles
  3. 1.3 List Your Risks and Policies
  1. 2.1 Assess Your Product Delivery Capabilities
  1. 3.1 Assess Your Product Portfolio
  1. 4.1 Roadmap Your Initiatives
  2. 4.2 Assess and Mitigate Your Initiative Risks
  3. 4.3 Complete Your Exponential IT Product Practice Strategy

Phase Outcomes

  • Exponential IT product objectives and metrics
  • Mission and vision statements
  • List of guiding principles
  • Risk and change profiles
  • List of relevant policies, regulations, and standards
  • Current-state assessment of your product delivery capabilities to meet Exponential IT priorities
  • Brainstormed solution to address capability gaps
  • Current state assessment of your product portfolio to meet Exponential IT priorities
  • Brainstormed solution to address product portfolio gaps
  • List of Exponential IT product practice initiatives and roadmap
  • Initiative risk assessment
  • Completed Exponential IT product practice strategy

Measure success with the right metrics

Track metrics throughout your transformation to keep stakeholders informed.

As your Exponential IT product practice gains experiences and matures:

  • You will have better-aligned product delivery and management capabilities with the broader organizational strategy.
  • You will see greater confidence of stakeholders, customers, products teams, and other IT teams with the learning, experimentation, piloting, and implementation of exponential technologies and evolving strategic priorities.
  • There will be improvements in solution delivery lead times including improved time-to-market or time-to-value benefits.
  • You will have promoted and facilitated cross-functional collaboration cemented in transparency, humility, and knowledge sharing. Your product teams will be able to focus on high-impact or high-value initiatives, which maximizes their skills and experiences.



Examples of Metric Sources

Improved user satisfaction of delivered and managed solutionsThe gratification, completeness, or enjoyment experienced when engaging the solutions delivered or managed by the team.
  • Product satisfaction survey
  • Scope of product adoption and usage
Improved business value delivery through optimized business processesThe amount of business value (financial or non-financial) gained from the completion of business processes.
  • Worker productivity
  • Financial statements and dashboards
Improved product quality and delivery throughputThe degree the product meets specified quality standards and the frequency features and changes are delivered by the team.
  • Application lifecycle management tools
  • Help desk tools
Improved satisfaction and reputation of the product practiceThe gratification, completeness, or enjoyment experienced when engaging the teams in the product practice.
  • IT satisfaction survey
  • Net promoter score

Build an actionable product practice roadmap that drives enterprise results.

About Info-Tech

Info-Tech Research Group is the world’s fastest-growing information technology research and advisory company, proudly serving over 30,000 IT professionals.

We produce unbiased and highly relevant research to help CIOs and IT leaders make strategic, timely, and well-informed decisions. We partner closely with IT teams to provide everything they need, from actionable tools to analyst guidance, ensuring they deliver measurable results for their organizations.

What Is a Blueprint?

A blueprint is designed to be a roadmap, containing a methodology and the tools and templates you need to solve your IT problems.

Each blueprint can be accompanied by a Guided Implementation that provides you access to our world-class analysts to help you get through the project.


You Get:

  • Exponential IT Product Practice Deck
  • Exponential IT Product Practice Strategy Template
  • Exponential IT Product Practice Current State Assessment Tool

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Andrew Kum-Seun


  • Murali Vemulapalli, Chief Enterprise Architect & Head of Enterprise Architecture, Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield
  • Asif Sharif, CEO & Founder, Modern Requirements, Copilot4DevOps Plus and Codeless One
  • Alex Bazin, Chief Technology Officer, Lewis Silkin LLP
  • Marc-Oliver Stromberg, Co-Founder & Key Account Manager, GBTEC Software AG
  • Chris Harrington, Chief Technology Officer, Carolinas Telco Federal Credit Union
  • 5 anonymous contributors

Search Code: 105008
Last Revised: June 13, 2024

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