Tagged - predicting the future


Top 10 Predictions for 2023

This year, Mark Anderson has outlined several predictions in each of the economic, technological, and country landscapes upon which the Top 10 Predictions are based. As...

The Powerhouse of EUV Lithography

This week's issue dives into the most important input to tech production behind the manufacturing of chips - and why the current market valuation of the best lithography...

​Scaling Technology at the Speed of the Climate Emergency

This week, Berit Anderson addresses "The Bad News": we have reached the "emergency" part of the climate emergency. The Good News is that this is the part in the movie...

Discoveries Announced, Predictions Explored

In today’s issue, you’ll find a transcript of last week’s Predictions event with the Technology Alliance Group (TAG) NW. I think our members will all appreciate the...

The Future of Chips

In this week's discussion, we'll get out of the propaganda and history ruts and move forward to where chips are really going in the next three to five years, always the...

Asia Letter, Q1 2022: Japanese Defense & Shanghai Data

This quarter Scott Foster provides connections between technology and economic trends in Asia. His deep understanding of, and experience with, tech sectors in Asia is a...

Resonance Theory: Part IV – Understanding Dark Energy & Matter and Einstein's Third Biggest Mistake

Mark Anderson is proposing a resolution to perhaps the largest problem in cosmology: the explanation of dark energy and dark matter.

China's Economic War Preparations: Yesterday and Tomorrow

China's new Wall Street IPO regulations are designed to protect China and its economy from international sanctions and retaliation for acts of warfare it currently...

The New Global Deal

The world is about to go through a massive change - and, for once, it's good news.

What's Driving the Global Chip Shortage

Carmakers are raising a ruckus. Just as demand for autos was beginning to pick up again, global automakers like Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, Toyota, Subaru, Volkswagen, and...
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