Tagged - predicting the future


​The Biden Years: A Retrospective Review of the Biden Presidency: 2021 –

In this week's discussion, we will jump ahead and look backward at the challenges and achievements that characterized the Joe Biden presidency. Our hope is that this will...

Annual Predictions for 2021

In this week's issue, my intent is to provide a guide to my thinking on the year ahead. As in past years, this begins with laying out the basic landscapes, followed by...

The New Anglo-Japanese Alliance

Scott Foster provides the connection between technology and economic trends covered by SNS and those in Asia. His deep understanding of, and experience with, tech sectors...

Peak Food: How to Prepare for a Hungry, Expensive Future

The food future ahead of us is frightening, to be sure, but we cannot prepare for or stave off a future we cannot imagine. This week's report is an attempt to help all of...

I'll See You on the Moon: Emerging Tech With Real Promise

This week, we're looking forward not weeks or months into the future, but a few years. As we're all aware, many technologies developed or under development today have...

​Will the Next Internet Be Built on Satellites?

In this week's transcript, our members will have a chance, probably for the first time, to get the best look into both the technical and financial aspects of this coming...

Returning to a Better World

At a time of global catastrophe, it can be hard to find the bright spots. We can start by identifying the emerging trends that will shape the global economy as we all...

The COVID-19 Innovation Abyss

Is it possible that one of the most important, but unexpected, effects of the current global lockdown will be a dramatic decline in innovation?

The End of Insurance

If your house burns down, you rely on your insurance policy to rebuild. But what happens when everyone's house is burning down? Berit Anderson examines the dire situation...

What the Federalism: The Election Machines Are Broken

In this week's issue, you'll feel you were onstage with them as cyber expert (and Forbes contributing editor) Jody Westby interviews Harri Hursti, perhaps the world's...
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