Tagged - predicting the future


Predictions for 2019

Of all the years we've been publishing annual predictions, this is certainly one of the most volatile. For that reason, I hope that these comments and calls are...

The New Global Economy

In this week's issue, we're going to look at the real causes behind what just happened this October, what major changes are likely to happen at the turn of the year, and...

Special Letter: The Great (Country) Race: Company Business Models and Country GDP – Opportunity or Threat?

In this Special Letter, Bill and his team move further forward in explaining the benefits of paying close attention to the effect of these tech-related operators on...

The Next Wave of Venture Investing

In this week's issue, we're sharing a transcript of a FiRe VC panel, arranged and moderated for us by RedSeal CEO and Venrock venture partner emeritus Ray Rothrock. The...

Energy vs. Information: Solving the Paradox of the Second Law

There is a massive acceptance of the meme that atoms and bits are increasingly fungible in some basic way. If mass is energy (it is), and energy represents information,...

The Future of Analytics

What happens when you invite a lifelong data scientist from the auto industry and a world-class mathematician-turned-AI CTO to discuss the future of analytics? A...

Special Letter: New Space – An Overview

In this article, Michael Sims will argue the importance of the SpaceX Falcon Heavy (FH) rocket launch for the future of space exploration, beginning with an overview of...

AI II: The Chips That Drive It All

In this second issue on AI, Intel veteran James Reinders talks with two engineers doing bleeding-edge work on advances in the chip design, packaging, and related areas of...

Pattern Recognition Interview at the NGA

A couple of years ago, I was asked to give a keynote talk to the highly secretive National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), at its annual Global Research and...

The Server Market

In this week's discussion, we'll look at the arcane, slow-moving, very conservative market for servers, and at the chips that drive them, to find out what's really going...
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