Initiate Your Service Management Program – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why service management Implementations often fail and why you should establish governance for service management.

Service Management Program Initiation Plan

Use this template to document your service management initiation and governance plan.

Initiate Your Service Management Program

Derive full value out of service management by running it like a program with defined goals that are tied to business needs and governance that keeps decisions aligned to...
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Initiate Your Service Management Program – Storyboard

Derive full value out of service management by running it like a program with defined goals that are tied to business needs and governance that keeps decisions aligned to...

Continuous Improvement May Not Be Good Enough

The idea of continuous improvement in application enhancement, rather than the periodic deployment of major changes, is gaining much support. This is a particularly...

Metrics Presentation Format Selection Guide

This guide contains four questions, which will help IT organizations to identify the most appropriate presentation format based on stakeholder preference and needs for...

Metrics Development Workbook

This workbook guides the development and creation of service metrics that are directly tied to business objectives.

Develop Meaningful Service Metrics – Phases 1-3

Develop the right service metrics to tie IT service performance to business value and user experience. This will enable immediate stakeholder value and reinforce...

Service Catalog Extension Project Charter

This deliverable will help you during project launch. It will help document important information and achieve buy-in from key stakeholders.

Create an IT View of the Service Catalog

Organizations must have a clear understanding of their IT services and how IT delivers them. Use the structured guidelines within this blueprint to help you document the...
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