Operations Management
Types of Content
Change Management PolicyUse this policy template to define and support your organization's change management program. |
Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLAThe business is rarely satisfied with current service levels. However this dissatisfaction is often based on perception. Without an internal SLA that effectively tracks... |
Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA – Executive BriefUnderstand business requirements, clarify current capabilities, and enable strategies to close service level gaps. |
Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA – Phases 1-3Understand business requirements, clarify current capabilities, and enable strategies to close service level gaps. |
Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA – Phase 1: Scope the Pilot ProjectIdentify the benefits of an SLA. Identify the pilot project. Create the pilot project charter. |
Internal SLA Maturity Scorecard ToolCreate a roadmap of your overall service maturity, and leverage recommendations to get you where you want to go. |
Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA – Phase 2: Determine Current Service LevelsDocument current IT operational procedures. Identify the metrics to track. |
Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA – Phase 3: Set Target Service Levels and Create the SLAValidate your current state. Develop a project roadmap. Create the internal SLA. |
Internal SLA Executive Summary Presentation TemplateSummarize the achievements and next steps from the initial SLA project in this eye-catching template. |
System Recovery Procedures TemplateUse this template to document application or system recovery procedures required to support the DR Incident Response Plan. |