Infrastructure & Operations

End-User Computing Strategy Template

This template will help you document your proposed end-user computing strategy. Follow the insights in the blueprint to record your results in this template and...

User Group Analysis Workbook

This workbook will help you group similar user groups and their use case.

Modernize and Transform Your End-User Computing Strategy – Phases 1-3

This research will help you identify EUC goals, vision, and mission; build standard offerings for users; define governance and policies; and develop a migration plan and...

Modernize and Transform Your End-User Computing Strategy

A good device is necessary for improving IT satisfaction, but it’s not enough. User support and modernizing applications are the other pivotal factors. With the COVID-19...
  • guided implementation icon

Mobile Device Remote Wipe Waiver Template

Having the ability to remote wipe is one of the most basic tools in IT's arsenal for securing mobile devices. Use this remote wipe waiver template to create a document...

BYOD Acceptable Use Policy

The purpose of the BYOC Acceptable Use Policy is to define standards, procedures, and restrictions for end users who are connecting a personally-owned device to a...

Infrastructure & Operations Priorities 2022

We have spent the last three months gathering signals from key vendors, standards bodies, industry organizations, notable tech influencers, reputable media, Info-Tech...

Infrastructure & Operations Priorities Report for 2022

We have separated the signal from the noise, built an analysis framework, and presented it all in an enjoyable and easily consumable format. You will begin to address the...

ITSM Ticket Data Analysis Report

Use this template to document the justification for addressing service desk improvement, the results of your analysis, and your next steps.

ITSM Ticket Data Analysis Tool

Use this tool to help you identify trends and patterns in your ticket data to action improvement initiatives.
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